View Full Version : Sony Wrt-8b + URX?

Alex Rankin
February 27th, 2010, 09:15 AM
HI This is my first post, any help would be great.

I just picked up some sony radio mic kit inc two wrt-8b and a two channel tuner WRR-862, this all works great, but i have two URX Tunners and I'm wondering if they will work with the WRT-8b. Each unit is channel 67-69 but when I tune in the same channels the URX tuners show a flashing error message "NOTONE", nothing i can see is mentioned in the Instrutions about this, but should they work together or is it just wishfull thinking.

thanks Alex

Rick Reineke
February 27th, 2010, 11:36 AM
I'm not familiar with those particular systems. Common knowledge suggests, NOTONE is the absence of an ultrasonic sine wave oscillation the transmitter sends."Tone Squelch" is usually defeatable in the receivers, so shut it off when using the different series transmitters. It should work OK... if the RF frequencies are the same and there are no compander issues.
Maybe someone else has more knowledge and hands-on experience with those specific systems.

Alex Rankin
February 27th, 2010, 01:28 PM
I'm no sound expert so big thanks for the info on tone

I've studied the wrt-8B instructions for this unit its has a tone signal 32.768 kHz but i can't see the settings to turn it off, maybe its basic or maybe it's not possible?

the two UWP tuners are the lower cost sony units, one was from my handheld mic kit the other from a transmiter converted to take a highrose mic, any more help would be great
thanks alex