Matthew Amirkhani
February 26th, 2010, 09:33 PM
Hi all,
Just picked up a WD-H72 wide angle lens. Does anyone knows how to put a filter on it?
Is there any filters available for it?
Chris Soucy
February 27th, 2010, 02:48 AM
Hmm, don't do much research, do you?
You have bought it and don't know? Tut tut.
The answer unfortunately is a categorical - NO!
Oh, it gets worse!
Do you know that thing blocks the IAF sensor as well?
No, didn't think so.
There is a Google search bar at the bottom of every page here, it works. Why ask lazy questions of real people when you can answer them yourself?
That is just plain stupid.
It took me .43 seconds to get a Google hit that answered all your questions - why didn't you do that?
Use this forum for it's strengths, not your weaknesses.
Ask a question that really is worthy of an answer.
Just my PO.
Colin McDonald
February 27th, 2010, 06:17 AM
I used the Google search at the bottom of the page, but I had the advantage of being involved in this discussion before.
Enjoy your day.
Matthew Amirkhani
February 27th, 2010, 08:52 AM
Thanks for the link.
Matthew Amirkhani
February 27th, 2010, 12:20 PM
Hey Chris,
First I didn't know about the the google search on the bottom of the page.
I always thought that this forum is to guide and educate others and not to bash them.
As for the AIF with the WD_H72 it works PERFECTLY well with my XHA1.
So I suggest that you try it and see it for yourself.
I'm glad that you learned something today form me.
Now off you go and play around with your XHA1 and WD-H72 and the Auto focus.
Practice, Practice and more Practice.
Tania Ratu
February 27th, 2010, 02:32 PM
Come on Chris, you're making us kiwis look bad. We should be more like diplomatic in our responses like our PM or auntie Helen.
Noa Put
February 27th, 2010, 07:22 PM
Ask a question that really is worthy of an answer.
It would have been more constructive to just copy the result of your google query in your post to guide Matthew into the right direction.
Chris Soucy
February 28th, 2010, 12:05 AM
Put it down to a bad day, appologies all round.
However, I do stand by what I said, the Google bar has been there for ages and you have over 100 posts to your credit, should have seen it already.
AND, asking the questions AFTER purchase is so "closing the stable door after the horse has bolted" as to be just rediculous.
Make Kiwis look bad?
Apart from the scenery, we're practically invisible. There's no such thing as bad publicity!
And you think that post was a tad, er, abrupt?
Trawl DVinfo.
Believe me, I've done far, far worse.
(Just goes to show everyone is human)
Live long and prosper, guys.
Tania Ratu
February 28th, 2010, 03:25 AM
Mate what about Jackson and Weta. They're not doing to bad for increasing our visibility on the world stage.
btw your post did make me laugh a little.