View Full Version : ProspectHD & AME/PProCS4

Marc de Jesus
February 26th, 2010, 04:44 AM
Okay, thought I'd post here before submitting another ticket.

I switched back to editing my prospecthd files on premiere procs4, because the audio sync issues seemed to clear up as opposed to cs3 (btw, im using a i7 920 machine on win 7 ult 64)

Anyway, i cut together some quick test footage on the timeline, and then I run into problems with AME.

Im able to get to the export settings menu and click okay.. but once in Adobe Media Encoder the "waiting queue" just freezes.. and when I try and cancel I get a "dynamic link connection, loading project. this may take a few minutes" window that never goes away. One time when I tried to wait it out, AME gave me an error in the log saying "could not read from the source. please check if it has moved or been deleted".

In a nutshell, this is a nightmare! trying to get this footage out. maybe i shouldve just gone with a mac, as my final cut system at work is way more fluid.

Anybody have any tips, solutions, suggestions or recommendation on other products that wont cause any more problems?

Thanks in advance.

Marc de Jesus
February 26th, 2010, 05:01 AM
Nevermind my last post.. operator error, lol. Apparantly Installing Premiere CS3 with cs4 already installed screwed something up... if anyone ever runs into this problem (unlikely) this page helped Error: "Encoding Failed. Could not read from the source" (Adobe Media Encoder CS4 on Windows) ( .. for now... lol.

although it still seems like i have run it as admin?