View Full Version : Hello - Detroit / Off Road Motorcycle Racing

Scott Yaroch
February 25th, 2010, 02:19 PM
Hello I'm Scott.
Glad I found this site. Wish I could say I'm hear to teach yall a few things but this is not the case. The down turn here in Detroit the past few years has pushed me slightly off course as a development engineer in the auto industry looking to climb the ladder. I've taken to my hobby of riding & racing dirt bikes. Starting with a few videos I now have a great web site that is really starting to take off.
I've spent some serious time teaching myself through trial and error the ins and outs of doing web videos. My passion is growing more every day and I consider going back to school for film.
My budget this year has made going to HD not possible. Instead I picked up a Panasonic GS400 to go with my other cameras of lesser quality. From what I have investigate about this camera I'm pretty sure there are some people in this forum that are total experts by now and can help me continue to learn. Please point me if you can.
I'm looking for the GNCC, Endurocross, NEPG, Hare Scramble film guys. This is my passion and what I hope maybe someday to be filming instead of engineering.
Also people in Detroit that need a place to show off their film skills. If you like this type of stuff we can work together I'm sure.
Thanks for your time. Hope you're having a great day!

Scott Yaroch
February 27th, 2010, 07:56 AM
Video was made with a sony DCR handycam. Looking for criticism or feedback.

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