View Full Version : Hello from Cincinnati, OH!

Dan Magnafichi
February 25th, 2010, 10:37 AM
Over the last couple of months I've learned what a valuable asset can be in this new age of the constantly evolving digital video world. I'm an old dog trying to learn new tricks... and to be honest, a lot of the new technology can be overwhelming. I have over 25 years experience in all aspects of video production and post. When I started we were recording on 3/4 in. U-matic tape and doing cuts only editing on a RM-440. Needless to say the environment has changed dramatically.

Due to the recent economic climate I've been downsized to part-time as a Producer/Director at a local production company so I've had to adapt. I recently purchased a JVC GY-HM700 camera and a Final Cut Studio editing system and I'm trying to supplement my income by shooting and editing videos for mostly web-based viewing.

I would really like to network with others out there in similar circumstances and hear how you are operating and share ideas and best practices.


Reed Hewitt
March 8th, 2010, 08:56 AM
My video career has been much shorter than yours, but I've observed the same trend: this business is all about constant adaptation. That's what I love about it; I'll never run out of new stuff to learn!

Welcome aboard, Dan!
