View Full Version : FCP Timecode break on start\stop

Dan Atkinson
February 25th, 2010, 05:16 AM
I have a GY-HD251. I shoot with continuous timecode, however when I capture to FCP it keeps reading every record start\stop as a timecode break. This only happens when I record HDV 720P50. Capturing works fine when using SD PAL.

I've tried batch capturing the entirety of the tape and also capture now. I have unchecked the 'make new clip on timecode break' function within user prefs. Whatever I do FCP thinks it's encountering a timecode break when all i've done is hit stop on my camera.

Any ideas?


Tim Dashwood
February 25th, 2010, 01:34 PM
When you use the native HDV codec for capture FCP requires that the MPEG2 data stream is perfectly consistent, which will never happen over a start/stop. You may have better luck with the ProRes422 digitizer but your best bet is a capture card like Decklink SDI or Studio ( using SDI out of the HD-251 with embedded TC. This way you can just capture continuously from the tape with the uninterrupted TC.

Phil Balsdon
February 25th, 2010, 01:41 PM
That's exactly how it's supposed to work. Each shot you make in the camera becomes a separate shot in FCP. Surely that's a much easier workflow when editing than spooling through one continuous clip made up of all your shots.

You'll have more success importing as ProRes in regard to lost frames at each start stop.

Dan Atkinson
March 1st, 2010, 08:10 AM
It would be preferred, I admit, to capture every start stop but it wasn't what my client wanted to do, so I said I'd find out for him. He ended up capturing to Pro-res.

Thanks for all the advice.