View Full Version : Pixel aspect ratio change, all clips

Paul Kellett
February 25th, 2010, 04:47 AM
Does anyone know how to change the pixel aspect ratio of all clips at once, either on the timeline or the clips in the project media bin ?

I've tried highlighting all clips in the media bin and changing the properties but still only one gets changed.

I've tried changing the first clip on the timeline then highlight the rest, right click but the properties is the then greyed out.

Paste event attributes also does not work.


Mike Kujbida
February 25th, 2010, 05:33 AM
Paul, here's two ways of doing it.

The first is to open the Pan/Crop window on the first clip on the timeline and select the desired template in the dropdown box.
Exit Pan/Crop, copy this clip, click clip #2, right-click and choose "Select Events to End", right-click and "Paste Event Attributes".

The second way is to set your project properties to the desired aspect ratio.
Open Pan/Crop, right-click in the centre of the image and select "Match Output Aspect".
Repeat the remainder of the steps as mentioned above.

Paul Kellett
February 25th, 2010, 05:45 AM
Mike, that's not what i want, the method you described crops the picture, i end up loosing some of the picture.
I want to change the pixel aspect ratio, so that the picture gets unsquashed, people look skinny at the moment.
I've got footage that was originally 16:9 but which was saved as a 4:3 avi, which vegas see's as 4:3.
I know what aspect ration i need to change to but i can only change one clip at a time, and i've got hundreds.


Paul Kellett
February 25th, 2010, 10:58 AM
Ok , here's how to change the pixel aspect ratio of all clips all at once.
>Highlight a clip in the project media bin,
>right click
>change whatever is needed, in this case the pixel aspect ratio
>then next to the stream/video tab there's a little floppy disc icon which when you hover your mouse over it says
"save settings to video profiles for future auto-detection"
which basically automatically uses these settings whenever footage of the same type is added to vegas.
>click ok
>open a new vegas project, drag the "wrong aspect" clips in and they become "correct"


Edward Troxel
February 25th, 2010, 11:58 AM
It can also be done via scripts.

Paul Kellett
February 25th, 2010, 02:05 PM
I thought that but couldn't find a script.
Most scripts i've seen are just text and i don't really know what to do with it.
A tutorial of how to convert that text to a script would be good.


Edward Troxel
February 25th, 2010, 03:03 PM
Excalibur and Ultimate S can both easily do this.

Copy the following text into a text file and save it as PixelAspect.js. This one currently sets them to 1.21 so change the value to whatever value you need, select the events, and then run this script.

import Sony.Vegas;

for (var currentTrack : Track in Vegas.Project.Tracks) {
if (currentTrack.IsVideo() == true) {
for (var currentEvent : VideoEvent in currentTrack.Events) {
if (currentEvent.Selected == true) {
VideoStream(new Media(currentEvent.ActiveTake.MediaPath).Streams.GetItemByMediaType(currentEvent.MediaType, currentEvent.ActiveTake.StreamIndex)).PixelAspectRatio = 1.21;

Paul Kellett
February 26th, 2010, 04:18 AM
Hi Edward.
I just copied and pasted the text, saved it as a text file, placed it into the script menu folder
Program Files>SONY>Vegas Pro 8.0>Script Menu
Then i opened vegas, rescanned the script menu folder but the new script isn't there, this is where i get confused with scripts, i don't know what i'm doing with them
I have other script's which i've downloaded but they weren't text files, when i followed the above method with them they do appear in the script folder.
I'm sure there are other people out there with the same propblem, this is why i think a tutorial, maybe a video tutorial, would be good.

Thanks, Paul.

Mike Kujbida
February 26th, 2010, 05:45 AM
Paul, the key here is the .js extension.
The file must be saved with this extension or it won't work.
To do this when saving from Notepad, do File - Save As and, in the Save As Type option in the box that comes up, make sure you select "All Files".
This allows the file to be properly saved as PixelAspect.js and not PixelAspect.txt which I suspect is what you did.

Edward Troxel
February 26th, 2010, 08:32 AM
I agree with Mike - I'd check to make sure the file is properly named to end in .js instead of .txt.