View Full Version : Suggest a Rig

Tim Grant
February 24th, 2010, 05:55 PM
Hello All-

Alright well here is another "intern" question/problem I am coming to Dvinfo users for, which i know can help me. I am going to be shooting a good amount of interviews soon and I need suggestions on a rig setup for my camera. So here is the info:

What I need it to hold:
-Mic receiver ( I usually have this mounted on my hot shoe connected with a 1/8th audio cord to my camera. This is frustrating because I cant listen to the audio during the shoot.)

-Also needs to be able to hold some sort of Light. (Along with suggestions on the rig, I need suggestions for a light to use for my interviews. Looking for something that is constant LED and can be mounted to the rig.)

-And of course the rig needs to be able to hold my camera/connect with a tripod.


-For the rig I am willing to spend anywhere between $200-450. (I really have no clue how much they go for so feel free to set me straight.)

-For the Light I am willing to spend around $150-300. (Again no idea how much they go for.)

Please give your suggestions and help me out! If suggestions are made, links to the products would be awesome. Thanks in advance.

The Confused Intern

Edward Carlson
February 24th, 2010, 07:20 PM
How about this: Bescor | VB-50 Universal Shoe Mount Adapter | VB50 | B&H Photo
Or this: Rycote | 037303 Hot Shoe Extension | 037303 | B&H Photo Video
NRG | 59111 Accessory Tri-Mount | 59111 | B&H Photo Video
Cool-Lux | MD-3000 Light and Sound Bracket | MD3000 | B&H Photo

Bill Pryor
February 24th, 2010, 07:31 PM
Check out the Media Cage.


If you want decent looking interviews, I'd look at maybe a couple of LED or fluorescent lights, rather than a light on the camera.

Tim Grant
February 24th, 2010, 07:49 PM
Thanks Bill and Edward.

Bill- Lots of the interviews I will be doing will be in clubs, restaurants, ect. These interview may or may not have good lighting so I just want a small source of light for the "Just in case" scenarios. I am looking for a way to eliminate lunging around lighting equipment.

If any of you know Jerry Porter (A member here on DVinfo) I am his intern. He suggested for me to look at indiesystems, which has a good amount of toys to choose from.

I also looked on B&H and found this light:
Dot Line | DL-DV60 Video & DSLR LED Light | DL-DV60 | B&H

I dont know how well this will come out in video. Anyone use anything similar?

Again thank you for the suggestions. Keep them coming.


Arif Syed
February 24th, 2010, 08:35 PM
It will look like you have a flashlight in their face.

Matt Newcomb
February 25th, 2010, 01:14 AM
That will work fine, but you need some diffusion on it.

Cody Dulock
February 25th, 2010, 04:04 PM
Search ebay for 126 LED camera light... I bought one and it cost $62 with free shipping from Hong Kong. It took about 3 weeks to get to the USA, but it dims, uses camcorder or AA batteries, has a battery meter, hot shoe mount, has a diffusion filter, and a CTO filter.

Hope this helps.