Geoff Gartside
February 24th, 2010, 06:33 AM
Can anyone explain please (or tell me it doesn't matter) - what happens regarding colorspace when I use the batch file conversion option for R3d files (in this instance I'm using the HD 422(YUV) example).
If I should be choosing an input workspace curve in First Light to match the cineform file colorspace generated by the script, don't I need to know what that is? I did try to find out by looking at the custom script using the edit function as per the cineform note, but could not understand it.
On the subject of scripts and R3d conversion, when can we expect to see a menu based batch system (with all the options available in the command line version) , so that normal mortals can work flexibly with batches of files, without the need to understand command line syntax?
Can anyone explain please (or tell me it doesn't matter) - what happens regarding colorspace when I use the batch file conversion option for R3d files (in this instance I'm using the HD 422(YUV) example).
If I should be choosing an input workspace curve in First Light to match the cineform file colorspace generated by the script, don't I need to know what that is? I did try to find out by looking at the custom script using the edit function as per the cineform note, but could not understand it.
On the subject of scripts and R3d conversion, when can we expect to see a menu based batch system (with all the options available in the command line version) , so that normal mortals can work flexibly with batches of files, without the need to understand command line syntax?