View Full Version : Convert 7D files to XDCAM EX format

Gabor Heeres
February 23rd, 2010, 11:11 PM
Still planning to buy a 7D in the near future if I can do with what I like. So now I have another question on which I cannont find an answer using the search tool. Do some of you own or have used both, the 7D and an XDCAM EX camera? Is it possible to shoot on the 7D, Load and edit the .MOV files in Vegas 8 and than somehow convert the footage to the XDCAM EX format. My main client requests 1080p 50i on an SXS card. If so, how did you achieve this result and is it possible to just write the EX format footage to a card using a laptop's expresscard slot with no need for XDCAM EX hardware? I hope somebody can answer these questions. Thank you very much.

Perrone Ford
February 24th, 2010, 01:36 AM
This is a VERY interesting question.

The first part of your question is yes. You CAN load the .MOV files into Vegas 8. The second part of your question is no. You cannot convert it to XDCamEX inside Vegas 8. For that you need Vegas 9. The third part of your question about whether you can then put that footage on an SxS card, I'll test tomorrow. I've never had to deliver that way.

If I remember correctly, The ClipBrowser software CAN re-wrap a bare file into and XDCamEX formatted structure. But I've never done it. So that will be a good challenge.

But at the very least, you're going to have to step up to Vegas 9 to do the conversion.

Gabor Heeres
February 24th, 2010, 06:49 AM

Thank you very much. Sounds like a good reason to step up to Vegas 9 now. I'm curious what your experience with writing the 7D footage to an SXS card will be. Can you test it in 1080p 50i please? Both, the 7D and EX1, are able to produce that right?

Perrone Ford
February 24th, 2010, 07:40 AM

Thank you very much. Sounds like a good reason to step up to Vegas 9 now. I'm curious what your experience with writing the 7D footage to an SXS card will be. Can you test it in 1080p 50i please? Both, the 7D and EX1, are able to produce that right?

Sorry, I don't have any 1080i 50. I was able to write 1080/60i to an SxS card last night, but there's still one piece of the workflow missing that I am trying to test. I'll let you know my results today.

And I have no idea if the 7D can do 50i. I've only seen progressive footage off the DSLRs.


Mauricio DelaOrta
February 24th, 2010, 10:25 AM
I found this link:

How to convert 5D Mark II to XDCAM EX for native editing | Video « Wonder How To (

I haven't checked it though. I while ago I had the same question since several film festivals request your submission in XDCAM format. There was one utility which I can't recall that did the trick. The problem is that it costed around 800us, so I didn't buy it since it only soled me a minor problem.



Perrone Ford
February 24th, 2010, 11:07 AM
I don't seem to be able to make this work from Vegas. So I don't know what the answer is.

Lance Watts
February 24th, 2010, 02:38 PM
Part 1: Importing and Conversion | Philip Bloom (

Gabor Heeres
February 24th, 2010, 02:51 PM
Perrone, That's a pity to hear. I hope someone else will come up with a solution to achieve the result. The options Lance and Mauricio opposed will work for mac users I think. Unfortunately I use a windows-based platform. Somebody else any idea how get 7D footage onto an SXS card?