View Full Version : Noob question RE 7d workflow

James Strange
February 23rd, 2010, 04:56 PM
Hi all,

I have a quick question regarding the 7D editing workflow.

I've searched the threads, but couldn't find the answers to my specific questions.

My current workflow is:

Film in HDV using Z5 FX7

Capture tapes directly into Premier Pro CS3

Output to mpeg DVD using the HDV to SD workflow using HC encoder,
(or for bluray, output using Adobe Media Encoder)

Before i get a 7d (or possibly 550d/T2i) I'm looking for some clarification regarding the editing steps.

From what I've read, I'd need to transcode the 7d footage using cineform or mpeg streamclip?

I've never used either of them, but I've looked at the workflow chart for cinefrom neoscene.

Am I right in saying that with neoscene, I need to convert both my HDV footage and 7d footage to cineform avi's? then edit those cineform avi's in Premier?

Is it possible to transcode the 7d footage (without loss of quality) so that I can just drop it into a HDV (1080 50i) timeline? Does cineform or streamclip do this?
(or to put it another way, can I convert 7D footage to HDV?)

Or is the only way to have 7D and HDV footage on the same timeline (playing nice together) to convert both HDV and 7D footage to cineform?

As always, any suggestions are much appreciated.



James Strange
February 23rd, 2010, 07:25 PM
Still can't quite get this right in my head.

I downloaded the trial of neoscene, and downloaded some native sample clips from the 7d.

Used neoscene to convert the .mov 7d clips to and avi.

Dropped the avi into a premiere pro cs3 hdv timeline, it recogninsed the clip ok, playback was a bit jittery, but it had the red linie above it in the timeline implying it needs to be rendered?

I'm sure its something very simple that I'm missing.

is there a cineform plugin/preset that I need for cs3?


Ben Moore
February 23rd, 2010, 11:48 PM

Play back on the timeline with a red line render bar is normal. By converting to .avi with neoscene you get better playback performance but its not real time. If you have some high end hardware you might get close. Hopefully CS5 will bring some better performance.
