View Full Version : Preliminary XDR Jam-Sync Tests Results with Latest Beta Firmware

Mark Job
February 23rd, 2010, 10:59 AM
Hi Dan, Mike, Tommy and Fellow XDR Users:

Here are the preliminary Jam-Sync 24 F test results for the latest beta firmware release (Version 1.5.25) on the Flash XDR:

1. 24 F Jam-Sync Test Results{ Both Camera & XDR running on fully charged battery power to duplicate normal shooting conditions}

A) Camera Used [ Canon XLH1 @ 24 F 23.98 fps over 59.94 Hz ]
B) Time Duration Measured: 2 Hrs

Time begins to drift after exactly 11 minutes at 1 second intervals every 10 minutes up to a maximum measured time drift of 5 seconds. This is much less of a general time drift. I don't know how you folks can close this gap, but you are slowly getting closer and closer with each firmware update.
* The time drift direction is the XDR slows down by an eventual 5 seconds max to measure so far. I have run this 2 hour time interval test twice now. I will now run a 3 hour Jam-Sync test to more closely approximate the shooting of a live concert event, where such use of Jam-Sync would be most commonly justified.
** I have not yet tested regular 59.94 i Jam-Sync this time around yet, but will do so. So far, I have not found there to be any perceivable time drift between clocks at the faster fps video rate on earlier firmware releases.

Mark Job
February 24th, 2010, 10:42 AM
Hi Dan, Mike, Tommy and Fellow XDR Users:

The results of the 3 hour test were progressive in drift as well, with an increase at the end of the 3rd hour to a grand total time discrepancy of 14 seconds slower than the camera clock.

*59.94 Hz Jam0-Sync Results coming up soon.


Dan Keaton
February 24th, 2010, 02:48 PM
Dear Mark,

Thank you for your detailed tests.

Was the XL H1 powered up, and connected to the Flash XDR via HD-SDI the entire time?

Mark Job
February 24th, 2010, 05:26 PM
Hi Dan:
Yes indeed. I had the HD-SDI cable connected the entire time.


John Mitchell
February 25th, 2010, 01:38 AM
Hi Mark -

It would be interesting to run the same test but record out via firewire to a PC at the same time and compare the actual recorded video and audio.

I've noticed that my audio lags two frames behind my internally recorded audio with the HM700 but I haven't done any long form stuff like concerts with it.

cheers John

Mark Job
February 25th, 2010, 01:04 PM
Hi John:
I'm not sure I follow you regarding the firewire output in the Jam-Sync Test ? Could you elaborate?



John Mitchell
March 5th, 2010, 08:56 AM
Mark - sorry for the late reply. I assumed for your jam sync test you were running video via HD-SDI and simply observing the TC on both the XDR and the camera.

I was merely interested to see if you recorded footage at the same time - so recording on the XDR and a laptop/PC at the same time and observing the recorded TC on both streams when the actual video streams were matched in an NLE.

I'm just wondering if TC drifts does that mean your video would get out of sync as well?

Mark Job
March 16th, 2010, 08:19 AM
Hi Mike, Tommy, and Dan:
Will the next firmware release (Or Public Beta ?) for the XDR have a fix for the 24 F jam-Sync in it ? Please be advised that 1080i 59.94 Hz Jam-Sync works perfectly. Also, do you have a fix for .MPG playback in realtime in the XDR ?


Dan Keaton
March 16th, 2010, 09:35 AM
Dear Mark,

I will check on both of your questions.

Tommy Schell
March 16th, 2010, 10:48 AM
Hi Mark,

Timecode is a little slippery in pulldown removal mode, going from a 1080i60 timecode source to 1080p24.
We will have to examine jam sync behavior more closely in this mode, unfortunately we probably won't be able to address in the pending beta release.
MPG playback should be improved in this release. However we had to disable the "pause" feature in MPG, our codec doesn't like to pause with MPG's compressed audio.
Pause will still work in MXF and Quicktime.
File skipping will still work in MPG.


Mark Job
March 17th, 2010, 07:29 AM
Hi Dan & Tommy:
OK. Thank you for this info. Have you folks been able to resolve the strange playback breakup and blurring issue with .MOV or .MXF files for the latest beta ? The audio also popped and screeched at me. I think this one scares me the most. Please Advise.

Dan Keaton
March 17th, 2010, 07:57 AM
Dear Mark,

Yes, there were issues on playback, in the nanoFlash or Flash XDR of ".MOV" files in our first Public Beta, 1.5.31 (nanoFlash) and 1.15.25 (Flash XDR).

These have been fixed.

Yes, the audio problems have been fixed.

Stay tuned.

Mark Job
March 17th, 2010, 08:28 AM
Hi Dan & Tommy:
This is excellent news ! Thank You :-)