View Full Version : New EX3 Shoulder Brace Design almost finalized.

Olof Ekbergh
February 22nd, 2010, 02:06 PM
I am very close to the final version of the shoulder brace.

The EX3 plates are on the way to the anodizer as I write this. The pricing will be the same. $150.00 for the EX3 stronger plates and $75.00 for the shoulder brace, the wing and NanoFlash arms are the same as on my EX1 solution. Wing $25.00 and NanoFlash arm $35.00.

This is an improved version of the shoulder brace that I posted previously:

It is more balanced, lighter and leaves a better view of the NanoFlash and wireless receivers.

You can use any battery system you want (the plate attaches to the brace) or just the EX3 battery and then mount the NanoFlashand a small battery on the shoulder brace. There is also room for hotshoes on the brace If you don't want to use my wing system.

I am looking or feedback on this system, and if anyone is interested in Beta testing this setup, contact me:

I will be updating the website with more photos soon.
Stronger Tripod Plates . NanoFlash Brackets . Sliders by Westside A V (

These photos are of the pre production units, the final versions will all be anodized black. The VCT-14 plate is optional, any tripod plate will fit, I just like the VCT-14 system myself.