Josh Fung
February 21st, 2010, 05:06 AM
Hi, done a search, couldn't find anything in regards to framing your shots for 2.35 aspect ratio.
I know FCP can crop it down for you in post, but when you're shooting, what is there a guide that heaps you to frame your shot for cinemascope aspect ratio? ta.
Logan McMillan
February 21st, 2010, 08:03 AM
grab a still from video off the camera - so a 1920 x 1080 still
put a 2:35 widescreen matte on it in FCP
export it as a JPG
put it on a CF card that is formatted correctly - i.e in the folder with the other pictures
then view the picture on the camera
I'd then mark the 2:35 aspect on the lcd - i'd cut down a big sticker so its just a thin line and stick two off those on the back
thats one option I can think of.
Hope that helps :)
Jon Fairhurst
February 21st, 2010, 04:04 PM
Magic Lantern lets you include custom cropmarks. There a file available for 2.35:1. Unfortunately, it only works on the 5D2. Hopefully, there will be a Magic Lantern for the 7D before long...