View Full Version : Changing Proxy stereo audio files for production 5 channel mono

Sergio Sanchez
February 20th, 2010, 09:04 PM

I´ve just finished editing a feature on premiere pro, but I have a big problem to deliver the sound facily the required project formats. I shot the audio in a fostex and a digital recorder.
The production sound is divided in 4 or 5 mono channel wav files, that premiere pro cs3 couldnt open, so we had to export each file as 2 channel stereo for offline. Now my problem is that i need to replace those proxies for the original files, my problem now is that Premiere is only oppening 2 channels from the production masters.

Does anyone knows a semi automatic way I can replace the files?.

Sergio Sanchez
March 12th, 2010, 07:58 PM
Well, there was no way of doing that on Premiere Pro, so I had to do it manually. Dragging each BWF to the timeline, coping the in and out points from the audio reference, separating dialogue, ambient sound and sound effects from the different mics.

That was a real pain in the ass. Let me say.

What I did find, for those who don´t want to suffer this for three weeks as I did, is this method. Unfortunately you´ll have to use a Final Cut Pro.

Part 2: Syncing Audio and Video with FCP and Pluraleyes | Philip Bloom (

What I learn doing an Independent Film... Never use Adobe Tools, go for FCP or Avid... I thought premiere was ready for real highend work but you´ll finish up spending the triple of time trying work arrounds to technical issues.