View Full Version : Dv Challenge #2 Theme Announcment - Go! Go! Go!
Kyle Edwards July 15th, 2005, 11:01 PM I'm around 8 to 1, not bad not bad.
Went roughly 12 to 1 for this one. It would have been lower but I cut out 2 scenes. Leaving them in would have pushed the short passed 3min.
Of course everything didn't go as planned (like having a female so we used a'll see) but maybe it worked out better in the end.
Sean McHenry July 16th, 2005, 12:11 AM Could have been better here I suppose but I shot just under one 40 minute tape for 3 minutes so I come in around 10:1. It will get better one day but at this point, I shoot everything that even looks interesting through the lens. You never know.
Should I be concerned the judges haven't aknowledged my e-mail? They are probably just stumbeling in. You know those left-coasters.
So how many entrants are there still up?
I built a small informational web page on what we used and who to thank. As soon as the judging is over I'll post the link.
Dylan Couper July 16th, 2005, 12:13 AM Dylan I am looking forward very much to seeing your video.
I know this is a typo below but I had a good laugh, some bloopers are better than others - It's no wonder you do not want the prize!
LOL, totally a typo! Once you see my movie, you'll realize why my typing is less than stellar.
Dylan Couper July 16th, 2005, 12:19 AM This may or may not help you, but I'm calling it a night. That means I won't be checking my email again before the deadline, which also means that as long as you email me the link to your entry before I check my email tomorrow morning, around 9am, you are in. Think of it as an early Christmas gift if you are running late (I know some of your are having technical issues).
Sean McHenry July 16th, 2005, 12:22 AM In that case, it's off to bed for me. I was up till - morning, yesterday.
I just re-read the rules and realized I sent the link to the wrong e-mail address. I sent it to Dylans listed e-mail as well as (now, duh) the one listed in the rules.
See you all in the morning.
Bryan Mitchell July 16th, 2005, 01:11 AM This may or may not help you, but I'm calling it a night. That means I won't be checking my email again before the deadline, which also means that as long as you email me the link to your entry before I check my email tomorrow morning, around 9am, you are in. Think of it as an early Christmas gift if you are running late (I know some of your are having technical issues).
I've been up for who knows how long to get it in on time. (Worked-at my day job- 50 hours this week, lost sleep to get this in). I got it in by just a few minutes. This post makes me sad.... The world is so unfair LOL.
Chase Davis July 16th, 2005, 01:16 AM I started about 3 hours ago and it really came down to the last minute but I got it in.
Mike Teutsch July 16th, 2005, 01:29 AM This may or may not help you, but I'm calling it a night. That means I won't be checking my email again before the deadline, which also means that as long as you email me the link to your entry before I check my email tomorrow morning, around 9am, you are in. Think of it as an early Christmas gift if you are running late (I know some of your are having technical issues).
Technical issues, technical issues! I had my female lead get into a car accident and not be able to make it to the shoot, Adobe Premeire Pro F*&*ed-up big time, but I did not give up. Jeff Sayre and I tried for hours to get it on the net, to almost no avail, but I made it at the last minute, (OK it's been technically extended! And, I will finish the movie so everyone can see it really done. I had to try to fake around her role, (not really possible, but I had to try), but I got what I had, posted at ten munutes until the deadline.
Jeff Sayre tried valiantly to help me, but I was beyond help, or was it just $%&*+bellsouth. Who would know that you can't send a file bigger than 10 meg thru their mail system. It's not like I am going to store it on my account!!!! Anyway trying to Zip file didn't work, and everything else, I got one posted that is under 10 meg. I even bought a new website, that said it was instant, (wasn't---takes 24 to 48 hours, already paid for it!). But after redoing my movie for the 20th time, I got it on! I tried the link and it worked, I Should Not Be On The Wall Of Shame!
Hey, I just got a email from Jeff Sayre, and he saw my movie!!!!! It works!!
Thanks to all, it is time to get some sleep! What am I talking about, it's only 3:30 am!
I am so glad to have made it in time!
I just edited this post to remove the url to the movie. Only 33 megs a day of band width, and already exceeded. I hope Dylan got to see it. Will move to a better host asap.
Mike Teutsch July 16th, 2005, 01:36 AM To Mike Teutsch: Sorry about your troubles. Yeah, it's just a contest, but after all the work it really stinks when things go wrong. Next time!!
I wrote a long response to this post, but somehow it did not appear! Site error, or I hit wrong button or something, because I am soooo tired. Two nights in a row after 3:30 am. I got what I had posted, incomplete, but there. I hope no wall of shame.
Sleep well,
Craig Bellaire July 16th, 2005, 07:58 AM ok I wasn't able to compete this time around... BUT was wondering if there will be a page with all the links to the videos for all to see... Maybe I missed it in this thread but thought I'd ask... Thanks
Dylan Couper July 16th, 2005, 10:06 AM ok I wasn't able to compete this time around... BUT was wondering if there will be a page with all the links to the videos for all to see... Maybe I missed it in this thread but thought I'd ask... Thanks
Yup, give it a day!
Mitchell Stookey July 16th, 2005, 10:17 AM A day? But I want it nowwwwwwwwwwwwww