View Full Version : Fits Canon 12x4.6 on F330?

Gabor Heeres
February 17th, 2010, 05:36 PM
As I'm doing ENG-work with my F330 a wideangle lens can be very useful most of the time. Because I'm sure that one day I will step up to a 2/3"camcorder I don't like to spend a lot of money on 1/2" lenses. Most of my work is still in SD DVCAM so I don't need a HD lens specifically.

Canon Wideangle Lens (

I found a used Canon YH 12x4.6 KRS SY14 on a website and am wondering if this lens is going to work with my F330. Of course the seller can tell me something but I also like a second opinion. How old is this lens? Fits this lens on my F330 without an adapter? Has anyone used this lens and how is the quality? What is a reasonable price for this used lens in a good technical condition with clean glass?


Uli Mors
February 21st, 2010, 08:23 AM
Hi ,

I own a YH12x4.8 (4.6???) SY14 KRS (no extender...)

and it works quite well on my pdwf330.

Best regards


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