View Full Version : Interlace problem, help
Primoz Lazar February 17th, 2010, 03:00 PM Hello, I've got one problem with interlace and I cant solve it about 3 days ..
I have got problem with exporting movie.
First, here watch video:
Can any body tell me why is video here shaiking ?
I tried much diffrent settings and every setting gives the same result: shaking.
I tried lower field first, upper and proggresive mode and everything is the same s**t.
Shaking is appearing at mpeg2, mpeg2 DVD, h264, and other formats.
If I burn DVD with Encore (with menu) that shaking doesnt dissapear, but if I burn it with Ulead dvd worhkshop is my final video on TV great, without shaking.
Otherwise I am editing in Adobe Premiere CS4, Adobe Media Encoder.
Because of that problem I cant finish my project.
Have any body any idea what can I do here ?
BEST REGARDS and THANK you very much for helping me
David Chilson February 17th, 2010, 04:00 PM Primoz,
I watched the video 4 or 5 times and am not sure what you mean by "shaking". It's kind of hard because there are only two places where the camera is not moving and those are only for split seconds. At the beginning it appears the camera, bob's up and down, then a medium pan to the right, slight pause then a snap pan to left. Before that last pan it looks like you bumped the zoom but it's hard to tell. It doesn't appear to be so much of a download setting problem as technique. Could you describe from your footage the "shaking" you are talking about?
Peter Manojlovic February 17th, 2010, 05:01 PM If the shake is only on YouTube, then it's not your fault...It's YouTube's encoding that is the problem..
The footage actually looks progressive..
Otherwise, you should always deinterlace on export for Web based materials. That way, interlacing is not an issue...
Jamie Marsden February 17th, 2010, 05:50 PM It's a bit hard to tell from that short sample but it looks like you're having a similar problem to me Primoz.
I assume by 'shaking' you mean what happens during the pan to the right in the clip, when instead of being smooth, there is a kind of 'flicking' or 'jerky' effect?
In my workflow i'm converting my AVCHD (.m2ts) files to cineform avi to edit with. When i export the final video and burn it in Encore to a DVD or blu ray i get the jerky effect when i watch it on my TV. But it doesn't happen if i edit and export the m2ts files directly so it looks like its something with the cineform files causing it.
Does anyone know what's usually the cause of this type of problem?
David Chapman February 17th, 2010, 07:52 PM I may be asking for more info than needed, but it might help narrow down the source of the problem.
What was the camera and format shot with?
What was your codec for editing?
What was your timeline setup to edit?
Primoz Lazar February 18th, 2010, 03:10 AM Hello,
David Chilson, problem is in a medium pan to the right, there you can see that "shaking" --> flicking.
Peter, problem isnt in youtube, cause that problem is happening on my computer too, i used youtube just for showing you on forum to see my problem.
Jamie, yes I think we have the same problem in diffrent formats.
David Chapman:
It is shoted with sony hvr s270, when i capture from the tape it comes out in .avi format.
Timeline (sequence for editing with IEEE1394 (firewire):
Editing mode: DV PAL
Timebase: 25,00fps
Video Settings
Frame size: 720h 576v (1,4587)
Frame rate: 25,00 frames/second
Pixel Aspect Ratio: D1/DV PAL Widescreen 16:9 (1.4587)
Fields: Lower Field First
Then I export my video from timeline to my desktop (mpeg2 DVD, lower field, VBR 2 pass, 16:9,..
And there comes to this problem where you can see that flicking effect which i cant remove.
thanks for helping boys.
Alan Craven February 18th, 2010, 03:37 AM Did you have the image stabilisation turned off in the camera when you panned?? If you left it turned on, that could well be the cause of your problem, as the stabilisation "sees" the panning motion as needing "correction".
Primoz Lazar February 18th, 2010, 03:46 AM I think it is turned off, problem isnt in camera 100%.
As I said when I am playing video in Premiere CS4 there isnt filickering and when I am playing video from Premiere in playback realtime mode on TV across firewire cable there isnt flickering too.
Problem comes when I export my movie :(
Roger Averdahl February 18th, 2010, 03:56 AM (mpeg2 DVD, lower field, VBR 2 pass, 16:9,..
Dont use Lower, use None (Progressive).
Or, if the camera shoots Progressive, make sure to use Interpret Footage in Pr and set the footage to None (Progressive) and edit the footage on a progressive Timeline. (I am not sure if the progessive video from the S270 is 25p over 50i or not...)
Use Lower for DVD's, use None (Progressive) for web delivery.
Primoz Lazar February 18th, 2010, 04:30 AM Yes, I am using lower for DVD delivery.
I am recordin 50i with my S270 because its picture is mixing in mulitcam with two sony HDR Fx1s which record 25 fps 50i.
I see I will have big problems with this problem. Now I am going to unistall my CS4 collection, meybe is problem in my programs.
I dont know. :D
Primoz Lazar February 18th, 2010, 04:07 PM Hello :D :D
Now I formated my computer and then installed my CS4 collection on fresh computer and problem is gone.
Thank you for helping boys ;)