Langston Sessoms
February 15th, 2010, 04:52 PM
I'm editing a project in Final Cut Pro and I made a major rookie mistake. I was editing a proect 1080p project. I wanted to make some drastic changes on something I was working on so I decided to open a new timeline for a new draft of the sequence. In hindsight I should've just duplicated but instead o I made a new sequence then copy and pasted all the clips. From the there I finished the sequence to my approval. Problem is the timeline has set a lower resolution than all the footage. When I try to change the resolution on the sequence settings all the clips show up extra small in the canvas.
How do I fix this?
Tim Kolb
February 15th, 2010, 06:02 PM
I assume all the clips have a scale-to-fit assignment on the lower-res timeline?
Christopher Drews
February 15th, 2010, 06:34 PM
A feature in newer versions of FCP, and found under the Modify menu, is Scale to Sequence and Conform to Sequence.
Daniel Kohl
February 15th, 2010, 06:55 PM
Change one of the clips by adjusting the scale and aspect ratio. Select the clip in your timeline, do a copy using Apple "C", select all of the clips in the timeline with Apple "A", and then perform an Apple "V". You should get a dialog which asks you which attributes you want to paste. Choose size and aspect ratio (I'm guessing about what they are called because I'm working with a German FCP).
Be sure to do this on a duplicate of your timeline in case it goes wrong!
Any keyframed motion effects will be lost using this method, but redoing them may be less work than adjusting all of the clips by hand.
I hope that this is of some help,
Andy Mees
February 15th, 2010, 07:29 PM
When I try to change the resolution on the sequence settings all the clips show up extra small in the canvas.
After you have done that, select everything in the timeline and then choose Modify menu > Conform to Sequence (as noted above by Chris)
If you don't have that option in your version of FCP then select everything in the timeline and choose Edit menu > Remove Attributes (or press Cmd-Option-V), tick the Basic Motion and Distort checkboxes (or just Basic Motion if Distort is not available) and then press OK
Should be fine after that, but note that if your edit included any intentional Basic Motion work and/or Distortions then you'll have to redo these after either of the above operations
Hope it helps
Langston Sessoms
February 22nd, 2010, 11:52 PM
you guys are awesome. really appreciate it.