View Full Version : Wedding Title Dilemmas!!

Chris Harding
February 14th, 2010, 07:00 AM
Hi All
A little while ago I was doing pretty standard titles at the start of each event during the wedding with the boring still frame and text in the centre and a couple of forum people told me that was "very '80's"

What is not '80's in 2010 ????.... My last few weddings have just been white titles offset as sorta lower thirds on a black background, no fancy transitions or silly effects........ so :

(1) Do you use just a colour, still frame, part of the actual footage or purpose shot video for the start title background?
(2) Centred text or offset to the bottom

I admittedly don't spend the time I should on the start of a clip so I do need to get it looking a little more classy!!!

It would be nice to know how others approach the ceremony/photoshoot/reception titles or whether you have any at all and just rely on a main title at the beginning

Comments would be much appreciated


Kyle Root
February 14th, 2010, 08:00 AM
I stopped doing actual wedding titles for the events several years ago.

Now, I just link directly from the main DVD menu to one of the appropriate event starting points (Rehearsal, Rehearsal Dinner, Pre-Ceremony, Ceremony, Reception) and use chapter points in the video.

But previously, the title screens consisted of a picture of the couple offset to the right at the appropriate event with the event name on the left kind of thing.

Philip Howells
February 14th, 2010, 08:18 AM
Like Kyle I don't title the actual programme, just use the DVD titles/chapters (all of which are motion and convey adequately what the chapter subject is).

Alec Moreno
February 14th, 2010, 02:12 PM
No titles here either. Instead, I devote my time to creating menu backgrounds from screen captures. I also use these backgrounds as icons for the sample films on my website. Of course, the text on each is redesigned for web purposes and the chapter links have been removed.

Alec Moreno

Chris Harding
February 14th, 2010, 06:22 PM
Thanks Guys

That makes a whole lot of sense and is much more practical!! Funnily after seeing a sample DVD last season one couple specifically asked me to omit the start titles completely!! Even without any motion backgrounds on the DVD Menu the text says it all so it makes sense.

You input is much appreciated


Jason Robinson
February 15th, 2010, 06:19 PM
I still use credits, and very simple ones at that. Here is a sample of one of my latest productions opening credits.

Ben & Christine on Vimeo