View Full Version : Thanks to all the wise folk here

Nathanael Iversen
February 11th, 2010, 03:19 PM
I've never posted in this forum before, which is a huge compliment to the many wise folk who dish out advice here.

I shoot HD with a 7D, and was able to ascertain from reading past posts that I wasn't going to get the results I wanted without buying decent gear. So, I've invested in a Sachtler FS6 system (based in large measure on the strong reviews here) and am quite pleased. The unit reeks of quality and precision, and delivers what I expected.

I made the same kind of decision regarding shoulder mounting kits and went with Zacuto.

I have no regrets about joining the "I paid more for support equipment than my digitizing codec (camera body)" club. It has been this way in pro audio for years. Spend big money for physical items and less on anything digital. Mics and preamps are where to sink coin on that side of the fence. Here it seems to be spend for lenses, support and audio/lighting stuff. Great digitizing devices (camera bodies) are now relatively cheap and really shouldn't be a driving cost factor in assembling a rig.

Chris Hurd
February 11th, 2010, 03:24 PM
Congrats on your purchase Nathanael -- many thanks for your kind words,

Garrett Low
February 11th, 2010, 05:14 PM
Hi Nathanael,

Thought I'd give a quick hello out to you since I'm just a slow commute down into Novato. I have a Sachtler tripod which I use with my video gear and I can say with all confidence that you will be happy with it for years. It took me some time to accept that I had to pay that much for a tripod but after living with that level of quality I now can say I would have a hard time going back.

The other thing that makes a huge difference is audio so now be prepared to spend on mic(s), mic pres etc. Again it is an investment but one that will outlast your camera with this world of rapidly changing technology.

Welcome to the "club".


Nathanael Iversen
February 11th, 2010, 05:29 PM
On the audio side, I am well acquainted with what it takes to get high quality results. I've owned Schoeps and other high-end equipment, and it makes a huge difference. Nice gear is always a pleasure to work with.