View Full Version : Possibility of Separate Wedding & Event Forums?
Tim Polster February 11th, 2010, 09:09 AM Hello,
I do not know if there are enough posts about non-wedding events, but I notice the wedding/event forum is pretty much all wedding related posts.
No big thing, just thought I would ask.
Chris Hurd February 11th, 2010, 09:29 AM Hi Tim,
I'm happy to do it if there's enough interest. Having done plenty of both, I know there are big differences between weddings and other types of events to warrant a separate forum for each. The only question is, will it be active enough. Would you want to help out with it? Thanks in advance,
Lorinda Norton February 11th, 2010, 11:12 AM I like the idea! For those of us who don't do weddings it would be really handy.
Tim Polster February 11th, 2010, 12:14 PM Hi Chris,
I don't know the interest or activity level. but there is a large difference.
How would you like me to help?
Adam Gold February 11th, 2010, 03:58 PM I'd be happy to help as well.
James Workman February 11th, 2010, 04:40 PM Is wedding videographry really so different and unrelated that you should separate the forums? I can tell you that as a student of videographry, I learn just as much from the "wedding" posts as I do from the "other" ones!
Don Bloom February 11th, 2010, 06:18 PM Weddings and other events have some similarities but it depends on what type of event you're doing. Camera work at an 8 hour seminar with speakers at a podium can be boring as can get (think ceremony, say during communion at a Catholic ceremony) OR if you get a "jack rabbit" on the stage think NASCAR, actually I found that following a car at 190MPH is easier than some speakers, at least you know where the car is going -go straight, turn left, go straight, turn left. I love the speakers that come from stage left take 3 steps right, stop on a dime, take a half step right then turn like they're on grease and go left again. Not bad if you're the guy on the wide or medium wide shot but if you're running the closeup..well you get the picture.
Most times the enviorment is different, lighting is completly different etc, so while a lot of people don't think it's all that hard to shoot a seminar it has it's own set of challenges that can be quite different than a wedding and vise versa.
While there are many similarities there are enough differences to warrant a subforum.
Ken Diewert February 11th, 2010, 07:57 PM I think that people probably view the current 'Weddings and Events' section as a mostly wedding forum and are reluctant to post 'Event' topics. So I would agree that a specific 'event' forum would be good. It likely won't be near as busy as the 'Weddings' are, but we all do it enough to benefit from some specific discussions on the topic.
Vito DeFilippo February 11th, 2010, 10:39 PM From another perspective, I value the group that makes up the wedding and event video forum, and I'm happy to post the odd non-wedding event here in the hope that the same group will take a look.
Splitting is not always an advantage. The more you split the forums up, the more you have to follow separate areas and that becomes difficult. I find that a big problem with other sites, and it's one of the things I loved when I found DVINFO. There is enough variety and logical breakdown of forums to be useful, but not so much that you get bogged down with a million sub-forums.
Tim Polster February 12th, 2010, 09:09 AM All good points. That is kind of the reason I brought this up to see if there was a desire and then a debate.
I find the forum welcome to all live event posts, there seems to be a large amount of wedding related posts like SDEs, VDSLRs and how to deal with photographers that really make it feel like a wedding forum to me.
Maybe just one other forum that is everything except weddings would not break it up too much...concerts, speakers, theatre shows, recitals, even music videos.
Not a big thing, but might be good.
Ken Diewert February 12th, 2010, 12:11 PM If we're voting, I'm with Tim. The Wedding forum could then be dedicated to just weddings, which it mostly is anyways. Things like music video discussion sometimes ends up in 'show your work'.
D.J. Ammons February 12th, 2010, 12:52 PM I agree that a dedicated area for Event Videography may draw more event posts than we are seeing now in the Wedding /Event area.
Ervin Farkas February 12th, 2010, 06:46 PM I would like to see a definition of "event videography" before we vote on the question.
If "event" is defined as "any live happening shot with the purpose of editing later and making a DVD"... there is no difference - a wedding IS an event.
If we go for "live transmission" or "on the spot mixing/titling/projecting" - then yes, a separate sub-forum makes sense.
I would also suggest merging the threads from the "church people".
Andrew Smith February 14th, 2010, 04:39 AM Why don't we rename it "Events (including weddings)" ?
Tim Polster February 14th, 2010, 09:35 AM The reason I posted this is because I see weddings as a unique event onto its own. There is so many topics of conversation regarding wedding video that I see these topics dominating the conversation.
The "other" types of events and maybe music videos and sports shooting as a group might benefit from topics unrelated to filming weddings.
Sure they are all events, but they are different animals. The EX-1 and the HPX-300 are both cameras but they require different forums.
Special Interest Area:
- Wedding Videography
- Live Events, Music Videos & Sports Videography
My .02 cents
Aaron Fowler February 14th, 2010, 06:02 PM First of all I agree that it would be beneficial to make a separate forum for other events etc., and here's why:
The "Wedding / Event Videography Techniques" forum is predominantly made up of wedding related posts as other people have mentioned. I think it might be intimidating to some people who'd like to post about a dance recital video but don't want to get lost among all the other wedding posts.
Vito makes a valid point, more forums to look through is more time wasted, although it makes the information you're looking for a lot easier to find. Some people do events but not weddings, some people do only weddings, and some do both. 2 out of 3 or these case would be more interested in 1 of the forums and wouldn't have to waste time on the other forum, they can just look in one forum and not have to sort through wedding and non-wedding related posts.
I think a separate forum would encourage people who aren't active in the Wedding / Events forum to make more posts about other sorts of events. I personally don't frequent the current Wedding / Events forum but would have a lot more interest in a Live Events, Music Videos & Sports Videography forum.
This is just my opinion. There's a fine line between being a hinder and a benefit... But I guess that's Chris' decision to make.