Akira Ando
July 5th, 2005, 04:13 PM
I have been asking an optic company about the static GG adapter lens set up for DVX100A. I was intending to use the 75mm Diameter Achromat doublet (200mm Focal Length = +5 Diopter Power), and with this Acromat lens, I need more dipter power to fill the 36x24mm image plane without having too much zoom (Less zoom = less light loss). I need extra +2 to +5 dipter power. And I was thinking of using PCX as magnifier / condenser
Then the optic company chap suggested me that the best image quality will be acquired by hacking DVX and remove its lens, and attach the 35mm lens directly to DVX. But this way, I think it affects the FOV / DOF. Can anyone confirm this? Or am I wrong?
And also what the optic chap suggested was, if I don't want to hack DVX, then use 75mm Dia. Aspheric Condenser Lens (50mm FL = +20 Diopter Power) contacting the Achromat lens. Which means Stick the two lenses together, and no space in between. It acts as one lens.
To magnify GG image I am thinking about having space between GG and condenser.
[35mm lens] > [GG]>[some space]>[Aspheric:D][Achromat:()]>]DVX100A]
Since Acromat costs quite much. I haven't got these lenses with me now. I am talking about assumption before I buy these lenses.
So, if anyone has experience with Aspheric Condenser, please give me some feedback.
Much appreciated you suggestion.
Then the optic company chap suggested me that the best image quality will be acquired by hacking DVX and remove its lens, and attach the 35mm lens directly to DVX. But this way, I think it affects the FOV / DOF. Can anyone confirm this? Or am I wrong?
And also what the optic chap suggested was, if I don't want to hack DVX, then use 75mm Dia. Aspheric Condenser Lens (50mm FL = +20 Diopter Power) contacting the Achromat lens. Which means Stick the two lenses together, and no space in between. It acts as one lens.
To magnify GG image I am thinking about having space between GG and condenser.
[35mm lens] > [GG]>[some space]>[Aspheric:D][Achromat:()]>]DVX100A]
Since Acromat costs quite much. I haven't got these lenses with me now. I am talking about assumption before I buy these lenses.
So, if anyone has experience with Aspheric Condenser, please give me some feedback.
Much appreciated you suggestion.