Paul Cascio
February 6th, 2010, 09:20 AM
Using the Vegas Chromakeyer, how do I select multiple points with the eydropper? Holding CTRL doesn't seem to work.
Can you apply more than one instance to the same event?
Mike Kujbida
February 6th, 2010, 10:23 AM
Using the Vegas Chromakeyer, how do I select multiple points with the eydropper? Holding CTRL doesn't seem to work.
Unfortunately you can't.
Hold the mouse and drag it across a small area of your CK background.
If you're using Vegas Pro 9, you no longer see the rectangle but it still works.
Just make sure to stick to the CK area and nothing else.
Can you apply more than one instance to the same event?
My first thought was no but I tried it and the answer is yes.
I'm curious as to why you would want to do this though.
If you have some garbage you're trying to get rid of, bezier mask(s) do the trick for me.
Paul Cascio
February 6th, 2010, 02:22 PM
Mike, I was considering multiple CKs as a workaround to not selecting multiple points. Thanks for the info.