Erwin Layaoen
February 4th, 2010, 05:53 PM
I'm a photographer jumping into wedding video. I must say I admire those who can do SDE. I certainly have a lot more to learn. One of the challenges I had with this video is lighting at the reception and church. Hate to do it but had to push ISO even with a 1.8 lens. Also, having to learn to use a video editor, premiere pro, was a pain and getting used to it now. But, I surprisingly enjoyed the entire process.
Lia + Rodney By Erwin Layaoen On ExposureRoom (
Johannes Soetandi
February 5th, 2010, 08:43 AM
Hi Erwin. I may not be a professional videographer but may be able to give some input. :)
Firstly, the picture quality was excellent! It's obvious that you are familiar with your gear (I assume a DSLR?) and the colour was very nice as well.
Probably the only thing I can recommend is to use other techniques apart from zooming and panning. Use more movement (fast and slow), this will add nice effect to the scenes you're taking. See some of the professionals videos in the forum, you'd understand what I meant.
Michael Dontigney
February 5th, 2010, 09:14 AM
Very nice. Is it just my flash install or is the audio way out of sync? Also during the bridal prep after the song starts you can hear live audio for a split second. I don't think you need to hear that as it's a bit distracting.
I think audio will be your biggest challenge coming from a still photography environment.
The video looks really nice.
Erwin Layaoen
February 5th, 2010, 04:09 PM
thanks! the camera is 7D. i wanted to do more movement but since it was my first i wanted to play it safe and just use tripod. i do want those steady devices. as for the syncing, it's not the video. it was working correctly yesterday but not sure why not now. all the sound was captured from the camera. i had issues with my H2 and other recorder. On facebook and original video file, sound is in sync.