View Full Version : Anyone use the A1 and a 7D on the same projects?

Arif Syed
February 2nd, 2010, 10:42 PM
Can stock A1 and stock 7D be matched? At least to the extent that it can be passable that only one camera was used?

Bill Grant
February 3rd, 2010, 08:47 AM
I've used the A1 and 5D on several occasions and had no trouble mixing them. I'm not a real stickler for details and cameras matching and all of the charts and scientific stuff, but it looked pretty good to me...
Life by Design Coaching - Life Coach in Columbia SC on Vimeo
Half A1 (for audio and second shot) half 5D...

Richard Gooderick
February 3rd, 2010, 11:50 AM
Interesting. It works well.
Only place that I'd say there was a significant difference was the guy. And there the A1 looked better, to my mind.
Would be grateful to know if you used any particular settings or made any adjustments in post.

Bill Grant
February 3rd, 2010, 02:06 PM
The biggest difference to my eye is in the balance on the window. If you look in the A1 shots, the window is blown to bits with blue where in the 5D shots, it is pretty well balanced. I am noticing this alot. I am basically using truecolor on the A1 in 30f with the sharpening turned up. I lit this with one light to try and balance the daylight a bit. Nothing in post but a little punch to contrast, but that was universal. The biggest issue, by far was synching audio. It drifted out in 3-5 minutes by about a second or two. No conversion tricks could make it synch. I ended up having to resynch each clip.

Paul Cook
February 7th, 2010, 10:37 PM
Very nice job I have to say - noticeable if you know your looking for something but to the target audience Id say close to 100% seamless. Audio was great also, can I ask what you used - Lapel or boom to the A1 or did you use a H4n portable recorder?

Matt Hoecker
February 8th, 2010, 02:41 PM
You can see lapels on some of the subjects. I'm curious also if the main lady (Elizabeth) was mic'd the same.

Bill Grant
February 10th, 2010, 11:38 AM
Everyone was miced the same. Audio was into the A1. A1 was in 30f mode. Sennhesier G2s with Lapels.

Khoi Pham
February 10th, 2010, 12:23 PM
They match because you can control your light, if you are doing events under low light then A1 will not look as good and will be much noisier.

Sylus Harrington
February 10th, 2010, 05:18 PM
Agree on the controlled lighting and low light.

Recently tried to use the A1s in a recording studio and it was pretty much unusable without having considerable noise. 7D excelled so much more in low light at f1.4 than the A1 at f1.6. There was such a huge difference - had to put the A1 in the bag for the remaining sessions and rented a 5D to match. There was no way you could mix that footage without being totally obvious.

Bill Grant
February 10th, 2010, 10:56 PM
I have mixed low light footage with the A1 and 5D. I have to say though that the A1(and no 1/3" camera for that matter) can hold a candle to the low light ablilty if the 5D. In a web version they mesh fairly well. I just posted a highlight from arguably the DARKEST reception I ever did. I took a shot with the 5D with no ambient light and I got a few candles, a few cell phones glowing, and the glow from the DJs laptop screen, but that was IT. They blend fairly well even in that scenario I have to say because I ended up having to use additional light anyway. 5D is the low light champ, no doubt, but the A1 ain't so bad if you have the right setup.

Mestizo Devon
February 10th, 2010, 11:10 PM
I'm wondering what your settings were on the 5d from the life coach shot? It blended together seamlessly! Also any thoughts in low light situations on the xha1 side?? Considering m2e in use? How does true color mesh with 5d, color correction

Bill Grant
February 11th, 2010, 07:53 AM
I used a modified Trucolor preset,
Gam N
PED -6
SET -6
NR1 0
NR2 0
RGN -7
BGN 12
RGM 40
RBM -12
BRM 12
BGM -3
That is my decent light preset. For low light I use PFvision with the black pressed and the coring down to 2.
on the 5D I use contrast down and saturation down... I don't remember how far.
BTW I did no post processing on these at all, both shots are right out of the camera. I used a daylight whight balance on both.