View Full Version : Advice Needed from Wedding Videographers

Rose Master
February 2nd, 2010, 09:29 PM

I am new to this forum and could use some advice from videographers, particularly those of you who work in the wedding videography business. I apologize in advance that this is dreadfully long!

Here is my story: I will soon be leaving my current job (unrelated to videography) and be a stay-at-home mom. I'm very happy with this decision. However, as someone who has a very strong work ethic and a desire/need/passion to CREATE, and be an artist of some kind, I plan to return to work eventually when the kids are a little older. After much soul-searching and trying to figure out what I really want to be when I grow up (!), I've had the idea to perhaps get into wedding videography. Please understand that I did not soul-search for just a few days and stumble across this idea...this has been a very long process for me. I seek your advice to have a better understanding of what I might be getting into before I plunge forward with the limited knowledge I have of what it takes to be successful in this endeavor.

Here is my background: I have an undergraduate degree in television, radio, and film production so I am very familiar with the work that goes into pre-production, production and post-production. I worked briefly in the field after college. I took a "wrong turn" to get my master's degree in another field, basically to have a steady job with a steady paycheck. I am more than ready to move on...

and after much reflection, I realized that one of the most FUN, EXCITING, and JOYOUS times I've ever had in my life was one weekend while at college when I was holed up in an editing suite all by myself editing a documentary I had made about my family. I absolutely LOVED the ability to create, to see my vision through to the very end, to make every decision on my own, and most of all, to present it to my family and watch their reactions to something I had done that was SO VERY COOL! Indeed, one of the best times of my life.

Here’s where I need your advice: I have not been around the above-mentioned environment since around 1995. There is a public access station in my area that offers workshops in pre- and post-production- in your opinion, is that lame or a good start? Also, I thought about contacting wedding videographers in my area to find out if they are in need of an assistant. My concern, though, is my outdated experience and that they’ll laugh at me for even asking! And, what are the chances that they may need administrative or marketing assistance? I am so eager to start at any level to begin to learn about the business.

Also, because I thoroughly enjoy creating videos, how do I know if I have what it takes to start my own small business? Some personal characteristics of mine are that I am a very diligent and conscientious worker; I get along with many different kinds of people; I am very organized; I am willing to learn…and I know I have a lot to (re)learn. This last trait is what I will depend on to handle the business side, as I’m not exactly business savvy.

Why wedding videography? I think for me it’s simple: it’s a time of happiness for people, a celebration of life, love, and family. I know how much I love my own wedding video (created by such an amazing artist…a true inspiration!) that it would be an honor to create that experience for others.

I would also like to know what your “typical” week or month or year looks like. This is not something I want to rush into as I am raising two small children and that is my priority right now. But, I want to take necessary (part-time) steps now (if that’s at all possible) so that I can hit the ground running in a few years.

Your advice is so GREATLY appreciated. Thank you!


Ken Diewert
February 2nd, 2010, 11:48 PM
Welcome to dvinfo Rose!

There is a ton of valuable stuff available here to get you going...

You will find that to film and edit weddings well is really a challenging process that does require a great deal of passion and dedication. It really doesn't bear much resemblance to much other production work. The word 'Cut!' doesn't exist in this world.

You can learn a lot from looking at wedding clips posted by some of the masters here. Study them and look at how the shot was accomplished (composition, movement (static, steadicam, slider, etc)) how it was edited (color grading, fx), and also how the audio was mixed.

You haven't said if you have a camera now. If you do I would advise you to think about filming someones (friend, relative) wedding for free. Once you have the footage, you can edit it to your hearts content, trying different things.

I'm sure you can find someone (maybe here), who would let you help out on a shoot even if it's just babysitting a camera on a tripod for starters.

There is an absolute wealth of info here that you can peruse at your leisure...

Good Luck... and all the best!

Jaime Espiritu
February 3rd, 2010, 01:38 AM
Welcome Rose...

If I started over, I would purchase the book: "Refocus: Cutting Edge Strategies to Evolve Your Video Business" by Ron Dawson. It's an excellent book to get you started in the business end of events/wedding videography.

Ron is an expert wedding videographer who crossed over into corporate video.
Ron also has a blog to inspire you. His blog is: Blade Ronner: The Blog of Ron Dawson (
to help you get started in this area...

Philip Howells
February 3rd, 2010, 02:55 AM
Rose, I hate to sound negative because I always try and encourage people coming into this business but there are a couple of important things.

Firstly it is a business. Your OP is high on emotion and motivation, low on business. How much have you to invest? Do you have an alternative income source? How much experience have you of starting and maintaining a business. Have you done the maths?

Secondly I think your glasses are a little as your name, rose tinted. Making someone else's wedding video - and meeting their demands - is far from the satisfaction of making your own family video programme.

Thirdly, even real television these days is far from the job of producing, recording, editing and selling your own product. I reckon I use my 30 years experience in television and video production more times in overcoming wedding shoot unplanned events than in any other type of programme I've ever made. The man who moved from weddings to corporate was making the easy move.

But I don't think your situation is terminal.

There's a book that could be written about your situation but to be brief, if I was in your place I'd take a different route.

My first thought, if you are as experienced and competent as your training suggests, would be to hire out as a freelance to broadcast, corporate, even wedding production companies - though the margins in weddings are so tight (in part because of the number of hobbyists deflating the market) freelances in weddings are unusual. That way you could take the work offering when it suited you and avoid much if not all (depending on the business model you want to take) the investment involved in setting up a production business.

The absolutely accurate fact that weddings are a wonderful environment in which to work is an indulgence only people of my age and situation can afford to make a pivotal decision factor in choosing the market they want to work in.

Sorry, but it's my view. Good luck.

Kyle Root
February 3rd, 2010, 07:38 AM
It sounds like you have a passion for video. That's good. Also, the idea of starting now part-time is also a very wise idea. You can get your feet wet and see how you can grow your business over the next few years.

Contacting other videographers in your area is definitely a good idea. In most markets there are plenty of weddings to go around, and in a lot of cases, having your name in the hat can mean getting a call to help out and get some experience.

At the same time, I would work on contacting friends, and friends of friends and let them know you are trying to break into the wedding video market and see if they know anyone who is getting married, who maybe doesn't really want (or is willing to pay for) a wedding video and ask to do theirs as an experiment. Do that a few times. That's exactly what we did 10 years ago when we started. It is very low risk and it will (1) give you some material to show others when you DO get ready to start charging (2) give you some valuable client feedback.

You never mentioned your budget, but I would expect to spend at least $3000-$6000 getting the basics: Camera, shotgun mic & shock mount, wireless mic, extra camera batteries, plus an XLR adapter if the camera you get doesn't have one built in (the Sign Video XLR Pro is what I use), new computer(?), editing software are just some of the basics you will need to do a basic wedding video.

You'll also need to consider getting a business license, liability insurance ($1 million policy plus equipment) and maybe even a bookkeeper (I personally don't like accounting lol).

If you do it part time, you can take off a lot of stuff on your taxes against your regular income. It works out pretty good.

Noel Lising
February 3rd, 2010, 08:24 AM
Thirdly, even real television these days is far from the job of producing, recording, editing and selling your own product. I reckon I use my 30 years experience in television and video production more times in overcoming wedding shoot unplanned events than in any other type of programme I've ever made. The man who moved from weddings to corporate was making the easy move.

I have to second this one. There's no take 2 or you can't yell cut during weddings. You have to nail the shot the first time. I also have the luxury of doing corporate work before, you are actually being spoon fed on set, there's a guy in charge of audio, lighting, playback, director, you will be all of the above as a wedding videographer.

Go freelance for a Wedding Videographer, and test the water. Good luck we were all newbies at one time.

My 2 cents.

David Barnett
February 3rd, 2010, 08:27 AM
Rose, I agree with alot of the other posts, especially Kyle's above. One thing I'd emphasize is overcoming any fears & letting friends, family & acquantiances know you're getting into the field. References are key in the industry. Don't worry about "breaking in slowly", that's how it happens. In fact, you'll likely be breaking in a little too slowly, but that's how it goes. Check out Craigslist TV jobs section, as well as the Creative & Crew & Events gigs sections as well.

Like you, I've been in & out of the industry off & on. I graduated in 1995, prior to non-linear editing. So I worked on video. Surprisingly though, it's pretty similar imho. Instead of pushing the "edit" button, you now move your mouse over the "edit" button, and just click. Ok, it's a little more different than that, but you get the idea. The fact that you understand the basics & theory of camera angles, jump cuts, storytelling etc will still apply. And you'll likely find they help you if you do take a workshop. I would recommend it. I took a few at a community center over the past 10 years or so. Oddly enough, a 16mm film course in the late 90's. Then went more digital. In the last 5 years I took short workshops for FCP, HTML, & Flash. So I'm a jack of all trades, master of none. But I know a little about each so it was a start. I think you'll find it beneficial. What I did then (and people will laugh) is buy the Books for Dummies for each program that I have (I have the mostly older versions). I'd recommend that or something similar. It helps when I'm stuck or can't figure something out, or want to learn how to do it, I just open up the book, read how to do it. Then do it. 9 times out of 10 it works. And is a great website for learning software. Watching short tutorials etc.

Finally equipment. It is pricey. You need to figure out how much you want to invest, and what level of equipment you want & can afford (consumer/camcorder, prosumer, professional). Check out B&H Photo Video | Digital Cameras, Camcorders ( for equipment & pricing. Personally, even though I do not use it, for a beginner who is probably not looking to invest alot of money into editing, I'd recommend Sony Vegas. I think versions start at $99. Although I think Adobe makes an Elements editing software for a similar rate. I use an older Premeire and like it, though I should consider changing. Search the forums for feedback & opinions.

And lastly, let me emphasize it isn't "OK, I'm here doing weddings, who wants one?" Then people come at you like you're Eddie Murphy & Dan Akroyd selling Frozen Concentrate Orange Juice stocks at the end of Trading Places.... It takes time to first get you're reel & a couple to trust enough in you, let alone get a few booked each month. It's a slow process, but sounds like exactly what you love & want to do. And you seem like you might have the time & ability to make it work & jump into the venture. Keep in mind the second point Phillip made, some couples are difficult to work with and hard to please. It's not always fun. Good luck!

Peter Manojlovic
February 3rd, 2010, 08:48 AM
@ Phillip....

I take your posting to heart...Word for word...I wish i would have read and digested that information 6 years ago...Very good advice for newcomers....

Jeff Harper
February 3rd, 2010, 09:11 AM
Rose, it is quite simple to enter into wedding videography, but not on your own initially.

If you are quite serious, choose a camera, buy it, and then seek work with a local videographer. This is how to begin. Once you enter into the videography world through an established company, doors will open for you.

This is exactly how I did it, and how many people begin. There is no need for long drawn out analysis of the business aspects initially.

I decided I wanted to enter videography one day, sold my motorcycle, bought a camera with the money, and then started calling around to the studios. Almost immediately I found work with one, and everything took off from there. Eventually you will choose the software you will use to edit, etc., but that will come later.

You seem to have the passion, etc., and if you pursue your dream as outlined above you cannot fail.

Don Bloom
February 3rd, 2010, 09:54 AM
I agree with everything that's been said so far.
First, if this is something you really think you want to do then you need some gear. Doesn't have to be 20k worth but a camera, light, tripod, audio...the basics. Then learn the gear until it's 2nd nature. Watch all the amples you can. Both highlight and full coverage events so you get to understand what's required of you to cover a wedding. As had been said before, it's a one take event. There are no retakes. Then, you need to let everyone know what you do. Network, talk to everyone you meet, give them a card, tell them who you are and what yo do. If noone knows what you do how can they hire you. Find a or some other video people in your area and see what kind of deal you can make with them to work as a 2nd camera operator, probably won't pay much but you need the experience, then while you're doing this, you can set up your business. Whatever you need, computer, learning how to edit, adding gear if needed, website, other advertising, whatever.
Remember we're all freelancers and we all need to start somewhere. When I started in video 26 years ago, I had been a working still photographer for 12 years and while I had a business model, I had to readjust it for my new business. Did I work cheap in the beginning? You bet. Have things changed over the years? You bet. It didn't take 26 years for things to go big, but it doesn't happen overnight. Now on the downside of my career I find I still enjoy doing weddings, just not as many (I have averaged about 50 a year over my career so time to cut the number down) but I do still enjoy the job.
A last point, insure your gear and get liability. There are more and more venues that you can't even work in with proof of liability and as stated above, if something were to happen you need to be covered.
I have always equated the wedding business to shooting news. Things happen fast, they happen once and you've got to be ready for it. Having been in war, I can say this. Like war, there are hours of boredom and moments of terror. Don't let either scare you! ;-)
Good luck and let us know how it goes.

Kelly Langerak
February 3rd, 2010, 06:02 PM
I work for myself. I meet all my clients, I shoot the weddings, I edit, I take the heat when they are pissed. I then have a few second videographers that act as a back up or second.

This is my third year and it's my busiest. I meet with clients 2-3 times a week driving all over the place. This is very time consuming and doesn't guarantee a gig. My Saturdays are gone, my Sundays are spent uploading, setting up to edit, finding music and then I edit the rest of the week 4-6 hours a day. I'm busy from January till about September and my wife only deals with it cause she wants that new kitchen! My point is that your time is gone and it's very hard to have a social life with friends and family cause I work weekends and nights meeting with clients and editing. I have a 15 month old son too which makes it more difficult.

Watch as many sample on the internet. Go to a bridal show and pick up copies of the vendors DVD's to see how they edit from beg to end.

Consider a decent HD camera like a Sony or Canon and buy used if you can.

Sounds like you really wanna do this, so expect to drop $2000-$5000, not including your editing machine.

I rented a Sony V1U for $150 that included batteries and tripod. You can charge the client or friend the price of your rental and gas. Don't be afraid to charge you friends either. I did my first wedding for $400 and they jumped on it. My second wedding was $800.

Also, visit this forum plus other sections like "editing" "cameras" and start learning about the different types of cameras / editing suites etc.

Kyle Root
February 3rd, 2010, 06:36 PM
Kelly brings up a good point about the workload.

When we (my 2 former business partners and I) started into this in 2000, we were all single and working full time jobs. Initially the work wasn't too much because we were just getting started. But, after a year or two, word got around quickly because we were doing good work and aligned ourselves with top florists and photographers in the area.

It honstely was not uncommon to go to work at the day job, get off at 5:00, grab some food and work until 11 or 12 and then get up at 6:00 AM and do it all over again M-F. Then on Saturday your day was booked, and then Sunday was spent going to church and then as soon as you get home, capturing and cataloging.

It really was not uncommon to work 60, 70, or 80 hours a week. And, that was fine and good when you're single and have nothing else to do. Plus, we really enjoyed it.

Now, we are all married and have kids. It's a much different world. Our time is valuable and we split up the original partnership and each went our separate ways in the video world. One thing for sure though, our prices make sure we are compensated for our time!

Buba Kastorski
February 3rd, 2010, 07:16 PM
Hey Rose,
if you wana do it - do it, but don't buy anything yet, to spend your money takes seconds,
first you just have to see if you can and if you'll like that business, cuz I've seen couple guys that invested into equipment big time and then after a few months decided that this is too much for them, and that filming 12-16 Hrs live event is a very hard and stressful job.
Best idea is to get an assistant role, not for one, for a few gigs, better with experienced wedding operator, maybe even for free, because at the point where you are now, it'll be priceless knowledge and experience.
Don't be afraid to call or email to the local guys, there is no room for doubtful and shy in any business, and event videography is a business with marketing, promotion, sales and production. And you will have to learn all those aspects, but there is nothing you can't do if you really want it.
Here you can find answers to all your questions that you will have on your way;
And again, if you wana do it – do it, don’t let anybody , or anything to hold you from being what you wana be,

Cody Dulock
February 3rd, 2010, 10:11 PM
working for free for other companies isn't the most fun at first, but you will gain so much skill and knowledge and will have the confidence the branch out if you find that it is really something you want to do. If you can't work for someone else, how can you expect to work for a bride? If you do get the chance to work for someone else, ask lots of questions about gear, shooting techniques, etc... can't beat free education!

The Re:Focus book mentioned earlier is a great read (from what I have heard). Once you actually want to dive into creating your own business you should already be looking at the blog of IN[FOCUS] (http://www.infocusvideoevent.COM) Awesome site with tons of information related directly to wedding video creators. Also IN[FOCUS] Conferences (http://www.infocusvideoevent.NET) will have all of the videos of the presentations from the last event... life changing for me and many others. They talked about branding, marketing, shooting technique, editing work flows, same day edits, and much more...

Dive in and just do it or you will regret never giving it a shot! Good luck!

Aaron Jones
February 4th, 2010, 06:33 AM
I am interested to hear what Rose has to say about all the advice provided thus far. No further posts since the initial one. Has she been scared off with the reality check? Or has this made her more determined to try it out.

Scott Hayes
February 4th, 2010, 08:09 AM
you are a stay at home mom. if you value your family and time with your children, find something else to do. you are going to spend a lot of money on gear, to start a business with no gauranteed income. My "passion" for other people's happiness has cost me my own family (yes, getting divorced) because I didn't know how to have a work life balance, and it is an easy rut to get in to. You will have to start off offering your services for a lower
price to get started, and will have to stay there for a season or two. NOT WORTH IT!
Find a good job working for someone else, with insurance, that you enjoy doing. Keep your free time free.

Cody Dulock
February 4th, 2010, 10:15 AM
Scott makes a very good point. Most full production video guys/gals that own their own business probably work 80+ hours a week... If you have a family or social life that you want to keep around, you will have to figure out a way to balance your time better.

Don Bloom
February 4th, 2010, 10:30 AM
Family and social life? What are those?

Scott is right. The wedding video business doesn't really allow a whole lot of time for either if you're out trying to make a decent living. Meeting with clients, shooting, editing, putting out fires, meeting with clients, phone calls, etc...and frankly the retirement benefits aren't so good.
HOWEVER!!!! Having said all of that, one must do what one feels is best for oneself. Almost 38 years ago I knew I couldn't work as an employee for anyone, since I knew I didn't work or play well with bosses, so I struck out on my own as a still photographer. Then 12 years later went into video. I've been my own boss since 1971 or 72 and while I have contracted long term to companies thru out my career as both a still photog and vidguy, I run my business my way. Right or wrong, it's mine.
I have been very lucky thru out the years to have a wife and kids that understood daddy worked weekends, day and a lot of nights but when he wasn't working he was as involved in family life as anyone. Instead of vacations in the summer we went in the winter, even though I might not be at all the games my boys played or the drum and buglecorp compititions all my kids were in they knew I was always there in spirit.
It is a hugh balancing act and not everyone can do it which is unfortunate because even after all this time and all the events I've done over the years, I still love it enough to keep doing it even at 63 years old.

Dawn Brennan
February 4th, 2010, 11:37 AM
Rose - I can probably offer you some pretty fair advice... moreso than anyone who hasn't tried to obtain this goal in your situation. I am a mother of 2 (one 5 and one 3 year old) and own my own videography business for 5 years. We shoot between 25-35 weddings per year. I do all of the marketing, shooting (with some assistants), editing and customer interactions. I will tell you, that while trying at times, it has proven to be extremely rewarding.

One factor that has allowed me the success I have experienced is my husband's undying support. He assists me when I need him, watches the kids when I have client meetings, lends an eye to my work when I have doubts, encourages me to keep going when I'm ready to throw my computer out in the snow, and much much more. If it weren't fo this, I might not be where I am...

I went into videography on a whim... I had a cousin that asked me to film their wedding... just because I had a consumer camcorder. I had one editing class (yes, only one) in college to teach me the basics, so I decided to play with their footage. I enjoyed it a ton, so I decided to maybe do one or 2 low cost weddings a year for fun, mainly to help those that couldn't "afford a videographer" - I was a newlywed that had to eliminate a videographer because my husband lost his job right before our wedding. After my first "paid" gig, I got a ton of referrals because this client was on the Knot chat boards and the next year I had 35 weddings. I didn't even purchase my professional equipment until I had 10 of those booked. [NOTE - I am not recommending that you try this!] Leads me to another point... I went in with no overhead. I purchased all of my equipment with those deposits and waited until I made money to buy more.

Money can be a huge stress so be smart about it. I no longer offer low cost services as previously stated and I'm still shooting no less than 25 weddings per year. I am a firm believer that where there is a will, there is a way. The only advice I can offer to you is first listen to your FAMILY... then your HEART. Its hard to step back when you have a dream and listen to those around you, but it will save your family in the long run. I can tell when my family has had enough of my endless hours on the computer and needs to be with me. I take a break (usually much needed) and we do something fun!

Take on only as much as you can handle. As a woman in the field, things tend to be difficult. Standing with a camera on your shoulder for 10+ hours in a day is very physically demanding... but if you are in shape, its totally doable. I have done up to 3 weddings in a weekend (don't recommend it and will never do it again)... but learn your limitations. Understand that while your kids sleep/play, you are going to have to work (I bring my laptop into the family room so I can be with them AND work during the day). When you have deadlines, you may not get a full night sleep for days. There are tons of "negatives" but only YOU can decide if the "positives" outweigh them!

I could go on for days... but start out small, should you decide to move forward. If you aren't good on the business side, find a friend/family member to maybe give you some input. You want to start things out being legit... so when you get the ball rolling, you don't have to throw yourself in front of it to slow down. Please feel free to email me with any questions/advice. I am not perfect, nor am I one of the "leaders" on this board or in wedding videography in general, BUT I do have a passion for what I do, offer the best product I can to my clients, have a love for wedding/event videography in general, and balance this with being a full time mom of 2 toddlers, as well as teaching Zumba part time for fun...


[all that being said - if I was an outsider reading all of that, I'd think I'm nuts! Hehe!]

Roger Van Duyn
February 4th, 2010, 12:10 PM
I punched a time clock for forty years, the last thirty in the health care industry. I just started my business in August, but am really enjoying my work now. It's a big change starting a business for the first time. It's not stress free. Money can be a problem, especially in today's economy. But there are worse stresses in life than money problems.

My advice, get a lawyer you can trust, a CPA you can trust, and a financial planner you can trust. Join a local videography group if one is nearby. Find people who really do know what they are talking about and listen to their advice. Get a tough skin, but keep a tender heart. Work hard, but don't over do it.

Don't go gear crazy. Think about your workflow. Often times some good thinking can save you a lot of wasted work. Don't accept every offer of work. Be nice, but don't be stupid. Pray hard. Give yourself time to get your business established. Think long term.

Listen to the people on this forum who've been doing it a long time. It's helped me starting my business.

Scott Hayes
February 4th, 2010, 12:41 PM
concerning gear, buy used! if you intend to do it, buy all used stuff, with the exception of a wireless mic. only because of the new C band restrictions.

Rose Master
February 4th, 2010, 04:48 PM
I am interested to hear what Rose has to say about all the advice provided thus far. No further posts since the initial one. Has she been scared off with the reality check? Or has this made her more determined to try it out.

THANK YOU everyone for the thoughtful replies. What a great group of people!

No, Aaron, I'm not scared off with the reality check. I so greatly appreciate the honesty from those who've experienced firsthand how difficult this can be...but also the encouragement from those who truly love what they do. All the replies have given me much to think about and process...I will respond when I have a bigger chunk of time...THANK YOU again, and keep the advice coming.

Dave Blackhurst
February 4th, 2010, 05:37 PM
I'd say read and print Dawn's post - she's worn your shoes, and I nominate her for a "most helpful post award"!

We all bring different perspectives and experiences to the table. In the end, you'll have to figure out whether you like being the boss and the janitor... but it you do, it has its perks.

Mark Von Lanken
February 4th, 2010, 11:01 PM
Hi Rose,

You have been given some great advice from varying perspectives. You can see that there is not just "one right way" to do this.

When we started our business as a side thing, our kids were 8, 7 and 5. We went full time four years later. They are now 21, 20 and 18. We worked really hard at keeping a balance between work and family. When they were younger we purposely only did 25-30 weddings a year. Now that they are older, we do a little more than that, but we wanted to make sure that we were around when they were younger.

One of the great things about being self employed is that we could take off in the middle of the day to go to a softball game or a track meet. When we did take off, it meant we had to work after we got home from the game, but if we had a 9-5 job, we would have missed a lot of those games and other activities. One of the keys has been controlling how much business we accept and not letting the business control us. It is a tough balance to keep, but so well worth it.

I love what I do and I am so blessed to be able to do it with the love of my life.

I totally agree with the advice of working for or with another video company. You can learn so much...what to do...what not to do...but more importantly, it will give you a real taste of what the wedding day is like. In reality, we spend a lot more time in post and admin stuff than we do on the wedding day, so while working some weddings will give you a taste, remember, it's only a portion of the big picture.

Once you have gotten some experience with another video company, even if it is just a few weddings, you may decide that you want to proceed further. Two of the keys are buy your equipment right and limit how many bookings you accept.


Cameras, Audio, Support Gear, etc...
I highly suggest buying good used gear. With the variety of tapeless cameras that are coming out, you don't have to be concerned with the wear and tear of tape based cameras. If you get a year into the business and realize it isn't for you, you will not take as bad of a hit on used gear vs. buying brand new gear. My camera of choice is the Panasonic HMC150. New price is around $3250, but I have seen used ones for $2500-2800.

Computer and Software
I don't know if you are Mac or PC and I do not want to start a war with my comments. I have two reconditioned Dell tower systems that cost $550 and $600. I still had to add monitors and hard drives, but these systems allow me to edit HD in real time. Vegas and Edius Pro are two of the cheaper yet full functioning NLE that come to mind. Edius Neo is less than $200 and will do 90% of what the more expensive Edius Pro will do.
Bottom can spend $10,000 plus on a screaming NLE, Mac or PC, but like I said before, if you realize this business is not for you after a year or so, then you will not have the financial hardship of spending $20,000 plus on gear.

The key with all of this is to take small and calculated steps. If you take a step in the wrong direction, it is easy to change course. Avoid taking big leaps because sometimes when you take that big leap, you don't like what you landed in. Then it is a lot more painful and expensive to overcome a wrong choice.

Jeff Kellam
February 6th, 2010, 09:00 PM
you are a stay at home mom. if you value your family and time with your children, find something else to do. you are going to spend a lot of money on gear, to start a business with no gauranteed income. My "passion" for other people's happiness has cost me my own family (yes, getting divorced) because I didn't know how to have a work life balance, and it is an easy rut to get in to. You will have to start off offering your services for a lower
price to get started, and will have to stay there for a season or two. NOT WORTH IT!
Find a good job working for someone else, with insurance, that you enjoy doing. Keep your free time free.

I agree with Scott.

The one thing that is not clear from your post is if you intend for this to be a positive cash flow business. If this is intended to be a labor of love and you are financially set already, I would totally go for it. If you have to be careful with your money or need this to produce an income, I would not suggest getting into videography at this point in your life.

When you are just getting into the business, there is lots of setup work to be done and lots of expenses. If you prepare even a basic spreadsheet of costs and expenses and look at your best case revenue for the year, it's easy to see you have to do a lot of work to just break even. And when you do get rolling, you have to know when to say when and stop booking for your particular situation. So even when money is not the object, this can still be a challenging job.