View Full Version : RAM issue during capture?

David Kovalev
February 1st, 2010, 06:51 PM
Hey Everyone,

I've been capturing Tapes through my Z1u camera for a few weddings now (saving up for a deck) and I've never had a problem until now:

Computer Specs: 4GB ram, PPRO cs4, quad core i5

I film in HDV format and capture it through the camera onto an external drive. I used to capture a whole tape with no problems (about 60min of footage) but now about 10min. into the capture, a message appears that I'm about to run out of ram... than a couple minutes later premiere shuts off...

Wondering what in the world it could be...? I have my "CPU Meter" gadget open on windows 7 and I can see exactly how fast the RAM adds up!

Any ideas would be great.
Thanks in advance.


David Kovalev
February 1st, 2010, 10:18 PM
Disregard this message

David Kovalev
February 2nd, 2010, 09:39 AM
Okay problem still exists. After I reinstalled it, it worked for the first time and now its running low on RAM and shutting off! I've noticed that once I press capture on PREMIERE PRO CS4 I cant push stop after awhile (it becomes unresponsive) and nothing happens if i shut the camera off (or push stop on the camera)

Seems like a Software or hardware issue.... ???

If anyone can help, that would be great.

Adam Gold
February 2nd, 2010, 12:31 PM
Make sure all updates for CS4 have been installed. Try capturing to an internal drive. Run no other software, turn off and physically disconnect your Internet, turn off and uninstall all virus checkers and auto-updaters. Your system should be doing nothing else but capturing. Go through MSCONFIG and disable all unnecessary activities.

Also try capturing with HDVSplit instead of Premiere. Finally, you could buy a Cineform product and use HDLink to capture. If the problem re-occurs under all these it's pretty clearly a hardware issue.