View Full Version : HV-30 Helmetcam

Brian David Melnyk
February 1st, 2010, 08:32 AM
after viewing a ton of shaky/compressed/jello footage online, i decided to NOT buy an 'affordable' little helmet cam, and instead built a quick-release mount on a helmet for my HV-30. it is a little heavier than i would like with the WA lens, but it seems to work well on roads with a bike.
the quick release is a Merlin tripod mount and the hood is the rubber bottom from a cheap plastic coffee bodum (more solid, protective and aerodynamic than the XH-A1 hood i used before). one strap goes under the chin, and i added two other adjustable straps that loop under my armpits to help stabilize the helmet. i think this would be really smooth on a motorcycle.
i don't think riding trails would be great as even minor bumps on a smooth road seem to amplify through the camera, and due to the weight issue.
i also wish the WD-43 had threads for a protective filter... kinda ridiculous it doesn't!
also, after an hour, it is a bit of a pain in the neck.
i think it is too bad there is no middle ground between the contour/hero cams and the $ony cam, but for now, this will hopefully take some interesting footage.