Chuck Spaulding
February 1st, 2010, 01:13 AM
Has anyone used the Lens Baby Composer shooting video on the 7D? Anyone have any examples they could share?
They look a bit gimmicky but I have seen some good examples that people have done with other cameras.
Any help or advice would be appreciated.
Morten Engelien
February 1st, 2010, 09:39 AM
I'm also interested in this! Post if you know
Liam Hall
February 1st, 2010, 04:31 PM
You'll see a few lensbaby composer shots in this one:
This was shot on 5D, though I have used it on my 7D too, but I can't post those videos.
Chuck Spaulding
February 3rd, 2010, 12:08 AM
Too many naked women?
Chuck Spaulding
February 3rd, 2010, 12:14 AM
You'll see a few lensbaby composer shots in this one:
This was shot on 5D, though I have used it on my 7D too, but I can't post those videos.
That was great, those guys landed some pretty good punches. What do you think of the Lens Baby now that you've had a chance to work with it?
How does the 7D footage compare to the 5D footage?
Do you think you could get a similar effect in After Effects?
Nice work.
Bruce Schultz
February 3rd, 2010, 08:13 PM
After trying out a Lens Baby on my Nikon D3 and Canon 7D I decided that the optics were just not up to high enough quality and I had concerns about the final image being baked in - so I started using a wonderfully robust and fully adjustable tilt-lens plug in contained in Magic Bullet Looks for FCP. With this filter in post you can move the bokeh to wherever in the picture you want and adjust the level of it too. Once you shoot with the Lens Baby you are stuck with what you shot.
As an aside, I am completely enamoured with Magic Bullet Looks for FCP and wonder how I was able to live without it before. It's just the most full-featured post production footage enhancer I've ever used.
Chuck Spaulding
February 4th, 2010, 12:42 AM
Just out of curiosity have you use Apple's Color?
In my opinion its by far the best application in the FCS.
I have heard good things about Magic Bullet, I don't suppose you can get that particular plug-in separate from MB-Looks?
Ben Ruffell
February 4th, 2010, 01:28 PM
Here is a project I shot with the Lensbaby on my 5D: Ben Ruffell ( "Insert Brand Here" also, and of possible interest a project shot with the same lensbabies on a Bolex: "Models" The different field of view is very noticable to me when using on 16mm, and may be applicable to the 7D. I have also found in the past that when using the Lensbaby on a 2/3" Camera (using a B4 adaptor) that the multipliction factor and field of view change made it a very niche item.
Ben Ruffell (
Liam Hall
February 4th, 2010, 01:35 PM
What do you think of the Lens Baby now that you've had a chance to work with it?
It has its uses, but I've played with it more than actually used it.
How does the 7D footage compare to the 5D footage?
It's exactly the same, only cropped.
Do you think you could get a similar effect in After Effects?
You can certainly replicate some of the effects that you can do on a lensbaby, but not all. Anyway, why bother spending time and money in post when you can do the effect in camera? If I find time, I'll shoot a little sequence with the lensbaby so you can see the effect.