View Full Version : No sounds from earphone jack, but picking up levels, HELP!!

Jon Plante
January 30th, 2010, 06:11 PM
So weird, I am completely confused, just booted up my camera today after Vacation and I can't get any sound from the earphone jack, but am picking up levels just fine. I am set on mic+48 volts, and monitor select is on both, with audio set to mix, so everything should be working fine. Weird, any help would be soooooo appreciated, thanks everyone

Don Bloom
January 30th, 2010, 06:49 PM
Let be be the 1st to ask the silly question but is the monitor (headphone) level set all the way down? (I'm ducking under the chair & protecting myself as I ask) ;-)
I have done this more than once in my lifetime (among many other silly things).
Also is the headphone jack plugged all the way in (another one of my favorites, sigh) or do the phones perhaps have a break in the wire?

All goofy things to ask I know but I try to respond to the obvious first.

Jon Plante
January 31st, 2010, 10:11 AM
lol, no problem, no my monitor headphone is half way up, and I have tried plugging the earphone jack all the way in and even slightly out, etc, I also tried 3 different sets of earphones that all worked on my Ipod, I just took off the plastic piece to see if the internal wires are off or snapped but they look fine as well. So lost, help!

Don Bloom
January 31st, 2010, 03:38 PM
I can't remember but is thee a setting for audio monitoring in one of the menus? If there is perhaps some way it got changed?
I hate it when things like this happen.

Adam Letch
January 31st, 2010, 09:47 PM
on the right side of your camera you'll have a toggle switch, I haven't got my camera in front of me so i'm a bit vague, but basically it's input 1 and input 2, and there's a option that bridges both of them into one channel and another which makes them stereo, so if your using the wrong input to whats selected you'll hear nothing, the other is on the top rear lefthand side theres a sliding switch for monitoring, you need to move it to 'both', likewise only one channel if not being used will come through and you'll hear nothing

good luck

Jon Plante
February 1st, 2010, 03:54 PM
Thanks Don and Adam for trying to help, but still no luck, I have the camera set to both on monitor selesct, audio mix inside the camera, so these are in the right position for getting sound. So confused, I will be really glad when this is figured out, any other ideas?

Jon Plante
February 1st, 2010, 04:14 PM
Im gonna take it apart and look inside....veryyyy carefully LOL

Don Bloom
February 1st, 2010, 04:23 PM
I'm stumped, be careful diving inside.

Jon Plante
February 1st, 2010, 06:05 PM
Go figure i peeked inside, plled some stuff, and now im getting audio, i guess the old addage still works, hit it once or twice HA, go figure, somthin must have been loose