View Full Version : EX1r downconversion to NTSC SD

George Strother
January 29th, 2010, 02:08 PM
Has anyone test the EX1r downconversion to NTSC SD?

Is it up to the quality of a dedicated pro DV/DVCpro SD camera?

Edit - I said this wrong.

I mean the in camera SD NTSC recording to memory cards possible with the EX1r. If I record in NTSC will the result be comparable to a good DV/DVCam camera?

Perrone Ford
January 29th, 2010, 03:34 PM
My downcoverts from the EX1 absolutely SLAUGHTER the output from my DVX. Though I do cut them together.

Mitchell Lewis
January 29th, 2010, 09:05 PM
I use either Sony's XDCAM Clip Browser to convert from HD to SD (Raw DV) or I use Apple Compressor. Clip Browser does the conversion faster, but Compressor looks better but it's slower. You need to turn on the Frame Controls in Compressor to get it to look better than Clip Browser.

Don Greening
January 30th, 2010, 06:33 PM
You need to turn on the Frame Controls in Compressor to get it to look better than Clip Browser.

Any time you change frame sizes during a transcode turning on Compressor's frame controls is a must.

- Don