View Full Version : 2/3" wide prime or wide zoom lens options

Paul Cronin
January 29th, 2010, 07:27 AM
Starting up a contract with a long-term client where I will need a very wide lens with minimal distortion. So I am looking at buying an 8-10mm wide prime or wide zoom for my PMW-350.

This shooting is in very close quarters and the edges cannot look distorted/fisheye.

Does anyone have experience with a specific model/brand that has worked in similar situations on their 2/3” HD camera?

Yes I will rent first.

Alister Chapman
January 30th, 2010, 04:09 AM
I've used the 5mm and 3.7mm Zeiss digiprimes which are very nice. Heavy and expensive but super sharp for a wide lens. The 3.7 has a bit of barrel distortion, but then it is a super wide lens. The Canon KJ10x4.5 is another nice lens with minimal distortion.

An 8mm lens on a 2/3" cameras is not what I would regard as "wide".

Paul Cronin
January 30th, 2010, 06:14 AM
Agree a wide zoom would be more cost effective and wider then the 8mm prime. The Zeiss digiprimes are out of my price range and rental would be tough for this job due to certain logistics.

I have not looked into the Canon KJ10x4.5.

I have found the following used and all agree to let Abel test the lens prior to purchase..
Fujinon HA10X5BERM HD good deal on price
Canon HJ11x4.7 most expensive
Angenieux T12x5.3B1 ESM least expensive

Paul Cronin
January 30th, 2010, 10:39 AM
Alister have you noticed a difference between the KJ and HJ lens picture quality since the KJ is lower priced?

Bill Ward
January 30th, 2010, 02:55 PM
I've got the Fuji ZA4.3 HD zoom. It's been a good lens, virtually no curvilinear distortion, very little breathing.

Paul Cronin
January 30th, 2010, 03:28 PM
Thanks Bill good to know there is virtually no curvilinear distortion. Do you have clips up anywhere at full wide I can check out?

Alister Chapman
January 31st, 2010, 12:53 PM
The KJ's have a more basic handgrip. Optically they are not as good as the HJ's with a bit more CA. the KJ's like to be between f8 and f4. They go a little soft more open than f4.

Bill Ward
January 31st, 2010, 01:56 PM
Thanks Bill good to know there is virtually no curvilinear distortion. Do you have clips up anywhere at full wide I can check out?


Most of my stuff goes off to be edited. Here is an HGTV show, My First Place, which will air Feb 9th. Virtually all of the episode (house hunting, inspection, etc) is shot with the Fuji HD wide zoom. As far as I can tell from the website, that's the next one of my shows to air.

Wheelchair Accessible House : My First Place : Home & Garden Television (

Paul Cronin
February 1st, 2010, 07:14 AM
Thanks Bill glad to know the lens is a workhorse for you. That is what I am looking for in a lens.

Alister also good to know the KJ has the restrictions with the optics I think if I go Canon it will be HJ.