Bart Wierzbicki
January 28th, 2010, 03:24 AM
When I want to create a slightly warmer tone of light, will a full CTO do the job ?
The daylight is a bit to white.
Or do you advice just another color filter ? Which one ?
Dave Dodds
January 28th, 2010, 09:07 AM
Full CTO on a daylight source will bring it all the way down to tungsten color temperature. If you want just a slight warmth from your source, you'll need a lesser CTO. I get nice results with 1/8 CTO when I'm going for this sort of thing.
Make sure you're not on Auto WB when you do this as it will likely compensate for the gel and then you're back where you started. Use a preset or do a manual WB before you add the gel.
Good luck.
Jay Massengill
January 28th, 2010, 11:50 AM
You can also modify your manual WB by using a small amount of the color you want to remove. For example if I want to slightly warm up my manual WB, I'll place a light-blue Post-It Note on my WB card and perform a manual WB. You can vary the effect by how large the source of color appears in the shot when taking the manual WB. Usually it only covers 5% to 10% of the total WB card in the image.
You can also buy or make your own WB cards with various tints that differ slightly from white, but I just carry the Post-It Note stuck to the back of my regular white WB card.
You can't affect individual light sources with this method of course, but it cuts down on the number of gels I have to carry or put in place when I want to affect the total WB.