View Full Version : TDK Tapes?

John Wiley
January 25th, 2010, 04:26 PM
Hi everyone,

Just wondering if anyone out there has any opinions/comments about the quality TDK tapes.

I've used only Sony tapes in my FX7 up until about three months ago when a client who I am sub-contracting for started giving me TDK tapes. Since then I've noticed I've had plenty of drop outs, and some tapes bring up the error message "please reinsert cassete" on playback. The only way to fix it is manually rewind the tape a little with a screwdriver.

I've followed all the regular instructions like cleaning the heads every 50 hours or when changing tape brands, etc.

Has anyone had similar experiences. Should I blame it on the tapes or does my 15 months old camera need a service?


Adam Gold
January 25th, 2010, 05:27 PM
I used TDKs exclusively for a few years with my VX2000 without an issue. When Costco switched to Sonys, so did I. Maybe time for a professional cleaning and adjustment?

John Wiley
January 26th, 2010, 02:49 AM
Thanks Adam. My camera usage has increased alot in the last few months (gone from about 5hrs a month to 10hrs per week) so a camera service might be in order.

It could just be coincidence that my camera started to wear out around the same time I switched tape brands.

Steve Elgar
January 26th, 2010, 04:52 AM
Ive been using TDK's for a while now. About 60 -70 tapes and haven't had any problems so far.

David Clark
January 26th, 2010, 10:25 AM
I've been using Panasonic PQ83 miniDV for years, and have used several TDKs (from Walgreens when in emgerency mode) without a problem.

It might be the old tape brand lubricant problem. Most folks say don't mix Sony and Panasonic because they use different lubes and chemicals to keep their tapes pliable, etc.
Once they mix under the right conditions, it can cause clogged heads. This might be the same issue.

I agree, it's probably time for a professional head cleaning. The heads are still young.

John Wiley
January 28th, 2010, 11:34 PM
Thanks guys. Looks like it's off to get serviced when I next get the chance.

Tom Hardwick
January 29th, 2010, 02:21 AM
That's it John - your camera's showing the classic signs of needing a tape deck alignment and reel tensioning adjustment. As you say, it coincided with the upping of usage hours and by coincidence with a change of tape brand. If the 'reinsert cassette' appears when you insert a tape with only 20 mins to go (say) and not when you insert a new tape (62 mins to go) then yes, it's the tape deck mechanism that's tired. You'll need a new pinch wheel as well by the sounds of it.

Time to go Compact Flash and leave the tape deck as is? The cost of repair could go some way to buying the CF recorder. It's what I'd do.
