View Full Version : Every different camera I'v had...

Chris Westerstrom
January 24th, 2010, 07:43 PM
had certain types of shots that I loved to shoot with it.

I had a fisheye lens on my Sony HDR FX1 that made low angle fisheye shots rolling on a skateboard, so much fun to make/take. The LCD screen flipped up is largely what allowed for that.

With the 7d, find myself shooting people more often than before. The shots where i place the camera at eye level with the subject and so on.

What shots are you all having fun with the the 7d?

Mike Calla
January 24th, 2010, 08:25 PM
Starting in the past, in film school, with small sensor cameras,(canon xl) i would still try to get a little depth of field in my image, if i could: zoom in all the way, find a suitable distance from the subject - you know just to give some depth to my subject/background. Even now, sometimes I'll find my self walking a block away to get that depth. Nonetheless it was the camera controlling me.

Now with the seven 7D, the depth of field is under my control (had to remember everything i learned about photography again but...). If i want it, it's there - if's under my control!

So what am i shooting now with it. ANYTHING I WANT! YEEHAA

Seriously, i just got it about a month ago, have had very little time to play with it, and something i could never do with any other camera i've owned, and to answer your question; "What shots are you all having fun with on the 7d?"

Shooting my city in the evening!

Chris Westerstrom
January 26th, 2010, 03:57 PM
funny, i bought the camera for the variable frame rates, lenses and ability to do timelapses.

I have a whole lot to play with!

But I'm sticking with the HDr for filming skateboarding lines