View Full Version : V-mount - brand new batteries problem

Joachim Ljungquist
January 24th, 2010, 09:58 AM
I finally got my batteries and charger for my new (used) PDW-F330.
But there seem to be some problems...

The charger has a DC-output and when I connect my camera to it - everything works fine. Feels good to actually know that the camera works!

The batteries are from Vect: ET-130S V- type Li-ion battery pack
Link: ET-130S V- type Li-ion battery pack | china ET-130S V- type Li-ion battery pack manufacturer (

14,8V, 8x8Ah, 130Wh
It's not exactly that battery, mine has a LCD-display where I can read cycles, voltage and remaining time. I have two batteries.


1. One of the brand new batteries doesn't seem to be charged at all. Both the LCD on the charger and on the battery says about 15% charge - even after about 10 hours in the charger.

On the other hand - the other battery seemed to be almost fully charged from the beginning. Because of that i rather quickly got up to 98% on that battery, while nothing happened to the battery on the other slot. I have tested the "bad" battery on both slots - but it will not charge.

Next problem is that none of the batteries will get any power to the camera! This gives me two questions: is there something wrong with the connectors on the camera? Or are there any problems with the connectors on the batteries?
Nothing happens when I try to manually push the batteries with my hands.

I have tested to supply the camera with the chargers output while the (good) battery is on the camera - then disconnecting the charger to see if the camera stills gets power... Not working. The purpose of this was to see if the battery was unably to supply the startup, but would be able to "keep the camera alive". But, as said - no.

Any suggestions? I've looked into the "TOP MENU" and "Batteries" but really don't understand what to do there... First "Battery 1" on the menu gives information about status for former batteries. The second "Battery 2" on the menu is set to auto - and then there are "Segment 7" to "Segment 1" showing values from 17,0V to 11,0V.

The batteries are very well built, has a professional rubbery surface and looks fine in every way.

Any suggestions?

Luc De Wandel
January 24th, 2010, 01:01 PM
Hi Joachim. Batteries like these should be fully charged in approx. 2 hours; depending on the charging current, of course.

Can you measure the voltage output of the 'full' battery with a multimeter? If really full it should indicate over 14 volts. Then it should be perfectly able to start up the camera and keep it operational in standby for some 3 to 4 hours (LCD off).

Are the contacts of battery and camera really clean? Try cleaning them thoroughly.

Joachim Ljungquist
January 24th, 2010, 01:17 PM
I don't know how fast brand new batteries should charge... It all depends on the charge level from factory is.

Actually I just did some tests with a multimeter:
1. I tested the +/- connectors on the camera battery slot with ohm-meter. I had indication, but first after setting the multimeter to 2000k ohm. But at least I have a connection - so there should not be any "loose ends" there.

2. I then tested the +/- connectors on both batteries. No indication what so ever. Not even the ohm-meter gave any results. I also tried the lamp connection on the batteries. No results at all.

3. Just to be sure, I tested the +/- on the charger... I wanted to be sure that the multimeter worked as it should. Here I got arould 16V (if I remember correctly).

So, there seem to be something wrong with the batteries. It was a bit odd that one was almost fully charged, while the other one didn't got charged at all. That should probably be because of differens storage times.

Could it be this way: the LCD-info shown on both charger and the battery is only based on internal intelligence - combined with the three middle pins (not +/-) of the battery?

Luc De Wandel
January 24th, 2010, 04:01 PM
If there's not at least 12,8 volts on the battery contacts and the D-tap (light) contact of he batteries, then there's definitely something wrong with the batteries. Unless they were not charged properly. Could also be the charger unit.

Perhaps you can try to lend a battery somewhere that is know to be OK and test the camera with that one.

Joachim Ljungquist
January 24th, 2010, 04:09 PM
Yeah... I have to go to the TV studio tomorrow - hoping that they use V-mount batteries.

There I have to do two tests: try my batteries on their cameras and try their batteries on mine.

Joachim Ljungquist
January 25th, 2010, 05:29 AM
So - today I tested the camera with some batteries from SVT (Swedish Television) and their batteries worked on my cam. When we tested my batteries on their cams - it shown that they did not work at all.

The supplier will send me a new charger and two differens batteries.
The story continues...

Luc De Wandel
January 25th, 2010, 06:06 AM
OK, good luck with the new ones. At least you know your camera is fine, and with these hours on the counters you did indeed a very good buy!
Keep us posted!

Joachim Ljungquist
January 27th, 2010, 05:16 AM
I got my new replacements batteries today - and now everything work as it should :)
Finally I also managed to do all the firmware updates...