View Full Version : New sliders available for EX cameras now

Olof Ekbergh
January 22nd, 2010, 08:22 AM
I have made a number of these already and now I will be marketing them. Even a 2 footer makes a huge difference in a shot. And it is super portable. It can be used on table top or on sticks or on the ground. I have figured what works and what does not, over a one year period of experimentation.

I will offer sliders in any length, I will do all the tapping and drilling and I provide ends that are small and rugged, and I will offer a couple options for mounting the Camera on the truck.

I have these in stock now.

This weekend I will post more photographs, pricing and ordering information here.

I already make a number of products for the EX1:

This thread has some photos of a few setups I have made, and I currently am using myself.

If you are interested contact me.

Chris Hurd
January 24th, 2010, 09:14 AM
Direct replies to the ongoing discussion at