View Full Version : Genus MatteBox Question
Jay Webster January 17th, 2010, 12:08 PM Anyone have any experience with these On a JVC Camera?
Jay Webster
Cameraman/New York
Rich Perry January 18th, 2010, 02:21 PM I am using a Genus Matte box on my FX1 but bought a 82 mm step down ring to try it on my HD200 I don't think the rails will fit and then theres the who tripod mount issue - so I may use it without rails and see how that works out.
The new genus rail systems are much better, they were redesigned about 2 months ago - I would check to see what versions are shipping. The matte box is great for the price.
Jay Webster January 18th, 2010, 03:21 PM Thanks for the info Richard.
Yeah, the mounting issue...Hmmm?
What is it about the "newer" rail system that you think is better?
Jay Webster
Rich Perry January 19th, 2010, 10:21 AM Jay,
I purchased this one from BH for my FX1 -
Genus | GMKGMB-72 Matte Box with Base, French Flag | GMKGMB-72 (
I had an issue soon after with a screw that had snapped off on the rail system that was central to the support of the matte box. I sent it back to Genus (Hong Kong) as it was about a week old and they replaced it with a newer upgraded rail system that I was told had just come of the production line. It is now really rock solid and the design is flawless. I have been meaning to post a review with photos but have been just to busy.
I must say the folks over at Genus have superb customer support and will answer any questions in detail. I would email them to see what will work with the HD100.
Jay Webster January 20th, 2010, 12:47 PM Thanks for all the helpful info Rich.
Looking for a "cheaper" alternative to more expensive options.
Sick thing is that when I sold my Aaton 16mm system, I included the mattebox and filter set.
Seemed like the right thing to do at the time, feels like a dumb move now!
Go figure!!!
Rich Perry February 6th, 2010, 03:41 AM Just a quick follow-up, the Genus Matte box and rail kit does work well with the HD200 -
Genus | GMKGMB-72 Matte Box with Base, French Flag | GMKGMB-72 (
The only issues are the JVC or Sony tripod plate won't jive with it so sticking it on a tripod, the weight is all wrong and very back heavy, for my uses it's acceptable. I will post some pictures of it in a day or 2.
Jay Webster February 6th, 2010, 08:27 PM Thanks for the follow up Rich!
It would be great if you could post a few pics if you have the time. One question: You seem to using the 72mm adapter instead of the 82mm, is that due to the camera you are using since the stock Fujinon is 82mm?
Thanks again
Rich Perry February 7th, 2010, 01:38 AM Hi Jay,
Correct, I am using the 72mm adapter because I originally purchased the Genus matte box & rails for my Sony FX1. I then purchased a HD200, loved it more and thought I would try fitting the mattebox to the JVC. Everything works great! The newer rail systems by Genus are highly adaptable and rock solid, the matte box will not budge. I purchased the genus step down ring so I could fit the mattebox donut to the 82mm thread onto the HD200 lense.
Genus | GAR82 82mm Adapter Ring | GAR82 | B&H Photo Video (
I will try and post some photos tommorow of the kit, the only problem like I was is the weight distribution of the camera while on a tripod. These rails do not jive with a tripod plate and as such a standard plate is quite far forward (on bottom of the rails) and the center of gravity is way off. I am trying to design a work around or perhaps my own plate. I use the camera on shoulder 90% of time, so perhaps I can live with it.
Jay Webster February 7th, 2010, 02:32 PM Hey Rich,
Do I understand correctly..."These rails do not jive with a tripod plate"
Meaning: the tripod plate must be "positioned" so far forward as to "affect" the balance of the camera...etc.
Jeez, I'm an old film guy used to all kindsa crap on the camera. I still own an O'connor 50 Tripod head that I used with my old Aaton LTR and (ArriSr Rental) 16mm cameras. Anyway, thanks for your attention to this. I am trying to figure out an "affordable" solution.
Cheers and thanks yet again!
Rich Perry February 9th, 2010, 02:48 AM Jay,
I finally got around to posting some pics of my HD200 and the Genus Matte Box. I didn't realize how dusty the camera was until these were taken!
Anyway, as you can see, the rails and Matte Box I had for my FX1 fit fine, although a few tweaks were needed including the 82-72 mm step down ring and also the front rail mounting bracket needed to be flipped upside down. However there is a lot of weight at the back of the camera with the batteries, radios and hard drive attached. The center of gravity is where the shoulder pad is, not where the small tripod plate currently is located. I am worried it may snap off, although I have 1/4 bolts holding the plate to the Genus, but the rails only have 1 bolt holding to the camera. It's seems rock solid, but this is not the ideal setup for a tripod. A v-mount standard JVC plate will not work with these rails. Like I say, I am using the camera on the shoulder 90% of the time, but I am looking into a better tripod plate solution.
Hope this helps -
Jay Webster February 9th, 2010, 09:36 AM Rich,
Thanks for posting these pics. I see what you mean about the plate and weight distribution etc.
Rich Perry February 10th, 2010, 04:41 AM No probs Jay, Like I say the Genus rails and plate I am using was designed for the FX1. I am chatting to Genus now about a plate that will work with the HD200 and allow the tripod plate to be positioned correctly, I will let you know what I find.
Jay Webster February 10th, 2010, 08:43 AM That's great Rich,
Thanks again!
Rich Perry April 4th, 2010, 07:29 AM Just a quick update on this thread. The solution to the tripod balance issue previously mentioned is to use the Genus Adaptor Bars System (GMB/P) which works with the JVC or Sony VCT-U14 plate. The chaps at Genus sent me one to test and it fits perfectly on the HD200 and with the tripod plate. The GMB/P bars work with Genus matte boxes.
Genus Professional Adaptor Bars System - Genus (
Jay Webster April 5th, 2010, 07:24 AM Excellent Rich...Thanks for the post!