View Full Version : DIY Mini Track & Jib (2-in-1)

Ted Ramasola
January 15th, 2010, 09:26 AM
I saw my bro use an original slider in a movie he DP'd, I liked the concept, the problem is, I can't find the components locally on my island.
I kept going into home improvement stores looking for a solution, finally I found alternatives and those who are in the same predicament I am, (3rd world isolation & economics) might find this useful.

Here's some pics of the finished mini track & jib. Just holler if you want more details and want construction photos.

Its cheap! Assuming you already have wood and bolts and nuts which I have an assortment of in my shop, I only spent approx. $ 75 US. (current forex) For the Track and 3 sets of wheels which come in pairs, so thats six in all.

Its sooo light. 2.75 Ilbs. cheap, --and most of all, -it works.

Here's a short test video I did today with it.

DIY Mini Track & Jib on Vimeo

Ted Ramasola
January 15th, 2010, 02:00 PM
As usual, here's the construction photos that you can be used as a guide.
The thing ain't rocket science so i encourage those that wanna do this to feel free and make improvements and mods, just bearing in mind to keep the holes for the center base plates and left and right plate aligned and at same distance all the time to keep the both tracks straight.


Chris Barcellos
January 15th, 2010, 02:21 PM

Another cool DIY project. Great design... I have been meaning to build something like this and this seems to be a great way to go.

Ted Ramasola
January 15th, 2010, 02:30 PM
Glad you like it Chris,

Look for Häfele sliding door fittings.

Cliff Etzel
January 16th, 2010, 12:10 PM
Ted do you have a parts list that you can share - name of the parts specifically? What are the carriage wheels actually called? This is my next project for sure!

Ted Ramasola
January 16th, 2010, 12:11 PM
Ted do you have a parts list that you can share - name of the parts specifically? What are the carriage wheels actually called? This is my next project for sure!

Cliff look for Häfele sliding door fittings.

Ted Ramasola
January 16th, 2010, 12:12 PM
Heres the demo video in XR

DIY Mini Track & Jib (

Ted Ramasola
February 8th, 2010, 01:42 AM
Heres a corporate project I finished last week shot entirely with the Canon EOS 7D. Edit and Grading in EDIUS.

The crane shots were done with a DIY 13 foot jib. But otherwise, all the dolly/track shots were done with the DIY Mini Track & Jib.

Simply Life's Essentials (

Chris Lognion
March 3rd, 2010, 08:20 PM

Thanks. This looks like a great project to work on. I have to pull a trailer everywhere I go to get track & dolly shots. Canon DSLR's are changing everything!

Graeme Hay
March 5th, 2010, 09:22 PM
Thats impressive, I'm going to print off your how-to photo guide and take it to my local hardware store to see if I can build something similar.

Chris Harding
March 17th, 2010, 06:02 AM
Hi Ted

I had a look at our local hardware store and they want crazy prices!!! So I figured it would make sense to go to Hafele in Australia but I can't see anything like your 4 wheeled trucks in our local catalogue???

Just for interest, where di you buy them from as Hafele are worldwide..and where your fittings classed as "sliding door hardware"?? If so, can you remember which category as they have timber, glass, wardrobe, divider etc etc. If you haven't got that info can you give me the dimesions of your track extrusion??? That might help get a similar fitting here!!

Great design and well done


Ted Ramasola
March 20th, 2010, 02:22 PM

I'm gonna go back to the store in the mall where i got this from today and confirm the catalog number for the wheel assembly.
In the meantime I took these pics with a ruler and dimensions included so it might help you in some way.

Sorry for the delay in posting this, got tied up with a project.

Chris Harding
March 20th, 2010, 07:27 PM
Hi Ted

Many, many thanks for that. By having the approximate size, I have something to go on now...if you do get to the mall then great..otherwise I'll go out to our local distributor here and take your pics ...our hardware store has tracks and hardware but the track was way bigger than yours.. probably around 45mm square track was the smallest they had and it was expensive!!

All the help is much appreciated!


Ted Ramasola
March 21st, 2010, 04:40 AM

There was an error in my caption, the protrusion is only on one end of the wheel carriage.
I CUT off that Protrusion only on the carriage inside the tube.
I updated the photo to show a transparent carriage showing what the carriage looks like inside the tube.

I also included the Hafele catalog number. I also found similar models made in china so you could also find similar ones of the same size in your area. Hopefully.

Chris Harding
March 21st, 2010, 07:09 AM
Thanks Ted

I cannot find any part number like 940.38.001 on any of the Hafele site's online catalogues but I HAVE found the EKU Clipo 35 which seems to have a similar look and at least has 22mm track. It's part number for anyone else is 405.06.001 and it's in the Furniture Catalogue not the Architectural Hardware one ..also for sliding doors up to 25kg.
I'll take a look at one in person and report back to see if it will do the job!!
The normal sliding door kits start at 40kg doors and are over $200!!! so this one might just do the trick. We have a Hafele Warehouse in Perth so it will be worthwhile chatting to them.

Just for interest all our other local tracks seem to have a bevel on the top which would not be good for the runner to ride on..the Hafele track extrusion seems to be nice and square!!


Ted Ramasola
March 22nd, 2010, 01:56 AM

I went back to the store to see other brands which you might find there. I saw a US brand called SENTRY, exactly the same as the HAFELE, product number is SDR-04.

Chris Harding
March 22nd, 2010, 08:09 AM
Hi Ted

I'll see what is around here at the Hafele Depot..they seem to at least have square track so the runners will ride nicely on them..all the other tracks at the hardware store on not flat on the top so the wheels will try to slide off!!!

I'll let you know what I find anyway!!

Thanks again


Ted Ramasola
March 22nd, 2010, 08:41 AM

If in case you want to make a "BIG" version using the big track and wheels, don't get the wheels that look like "railroad" wheels( for lack of a better term) get that ones that are smooth tapered, the "railroad" wheel type have a tendency to jam on the track.

Chris Harding
March 24th, 2010, 10:09 PM
Hi Ted

OK thanks!! I have ordered the track and running gear's a bit expensive in Oz!!!
For reference the Rail and Running gear is from the EKU Clipo 35 range and the part number here are : Track : 405.00.250 (2.5m track was $80) the 6 little running gears are Part No : 405.02.010 and were just over $16.32 each.
They had the track in stock but I have to wait till Monday for the 6 running gear units.

I'll let you know how it goes


Chris Harding
April 5th, 2010, 07:34 AM
Hi Ted

Interesting developments ... using 6 wheel units I found the the carriage struggles a little and more than often some wheels are not even in use. As the track is equally smooth on both sides I have found it works way better if you discard the top 4 sets completely!! I am just running 4 units inside the track bolted to the plate and they run smooth as silk. My upper wheels also skewed quite badly and despite making all sorts of guides the wheels still mis-behaved!!! By running just 4 of the little 4 wheeled units (all inside the track) it runs way better!!

Cheaper too as you only need 4 running gears not 6!!


Ted Ramasola
April 5th, 2010, 08:15 AM

Chris Harding
April 5th, 2010, 08:56 PM
Hey Ted

Pics are attached. I found that having just a single unit inside the track allowed it to skew so I added a second unit each side and then discovered that it was so smooth, the wheel units on top were just not needed
