View Full Version : xh a1 any canon do 1080p

Richard Kane
January 14th, 2010, 09:03 PM
hi i have not been on these boards for a long time
i have a xh-a1 I am surprised the new version still does not do 1080p
is this true any pro consumer models that you guys recommend
for 1080p?

Michael Galvan
January 14th, 2010, 09:57 PM
But its F modes are progressive modes, so it can do 1080p.

Scott Nelson
January 15th, 2010, 12:18 AM
in 24F and 30F it records 1080P, But still no Progressive options for 60p.

If you are looking around for a 1080 with a high fps try JVC, They have some good options. I know a few of the HD cameras record 1080 at up to 30 fps and then you can do 720p at 60fps.

Chris Hurd
January 15th, 2010, 03:46 PM
These cameras will record 1080p24, 1080p30 and 1080i60.

Frame modes 24F and 30F are indeed true progressive.

There is no provision for 1080p60. Hope this helps,

Dale Guthormsen
January 16th, 2010, 10:41 AM
I did a lot of looking for this!!! 1080 P is almost always 30P to get a camera that can shoot 1080 60P is hugely expensive!!!

720 60 P is all that is reasonably affordable for normal mortals!

to be honest, I doubt most people could even tell the difference when you consider the range of vison people have and our ability to resolve lines. That was the primary reason JVC started with the 720 hd camera.

dale guthormsen

Kareem Dimashkie
August 5th, 2010, 10:39 AM
Follow-up question...

When the A1 outputs 30F footage shot in 1080p, does it output as 1080i?

I have a friend who's inquiring if his tape deck (which is 1080i) will be able to capture the footage on his machine.

David Seguin
August 5th, 2010, 09:54 PM
Follow-up question...

When the A1 outputs 30F footage shot in 1080p, does it output as 1080i?

I have a friend who's inquiring if his tape deck (which is 1080i) will be able to capture the footage on his machine.

If I'm correct, which I'm fairly certain I am, it explains in the XH-A1's manual that it records progressive and outputs interlaced to the tape, which is pretty easy to handle in post. Obviously it gets more complicated when you're shooting 24F because of pulldown and all that, as I'm sure you know already.
In fact, I believe (but DEFINITELY do not quote me on this) that all cameras that shoot progressive HDV output interlaced to tape.

So yeah, to answer your question, I'm nearly certain that your friend shouldn't have any problems playing/capturing from your tape.

Henry Williams
August 6th, 2010, 01:30 AM
Not sure about that... my interlaced only HDV camera wont recognise tapes recorded in 24f mode on my Canon XH-A1.

David Seguin
August 6th, 2010, 03:54 PM
Not sure about that... my interlaced only HDV camera wont recognise tapes recorded in 24f mode on my Canon XH-A1.

IF what I said is right, the reason for that is just because it's 24f. If it were 30f it should be alright, I believe. If you shoot 24f, for it to record 60i on tape, the camera would need to use either 2:3 or 2:3:3:2 pulldown, and your other camera doesn't know how to use reverse pulldown on playback.

Again, this is all speculation and it's very possible that I'm wrong.