View Full Version : XDCAM Proxies on USB Flash Memory

Andy Shipsides
January 13th, 2010, 06:56 PM
I posted a short how to guide for using USB flash memory with your XDCAM PDW700 and F800. It shows how to setup proxy recording on the camera and how to download it on a PC and Mac.

XDCAM Proxy on a USB Stick | CineTechnica (

Dave Chalmers
January 14th, 2010, 09:06 AM
Thanks for this Andy - I'm about to do exactly this process next week so it's great to have a step-by-step.

It's worth mentioning, however, that if you don't have FCP installed on the Mac that you are running XDCAM Transfer on, then you will not have the right codecs and will need to buy the Calibrated {Q} XD Decode codecs from

Of course, once you have converted to iphone video, you can watch those files on any Mac or PC.

One other small point: If you're plugging a USB stick into your PDW-700 or F800 I STRONGLY recommend that you get one of these USB swivel adapters so it can lie flush with the handle.

USB 360 Degree Adapter, USB A Male to A Female | Extension | USB Cables | USB & FireWire | LINDY USA (

Otherwise you are going to be breaking a lot of USB sticks!!


Dave C

Doug Jensen
January 14th, 2010, 12:38 PM
I've been using a PNY 4GB drive that is smaller than that swivel adapter. It only protrudes 15mm (1/2") from the USB connector and you don't even notice it is there. PNY Micro Swivel Attaché 4 GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive P-FDU4GBSV-EF/SIL (Silver): Electronics (

If I still freelanced, I'd buy a dozen and sell them to clients like tape stock at $30 a pop.

The swivel would be handy, though.

Dave Chalmers
January 14th, 2010, 02:48 PM
Yes I just bought some tiny Transcend Jetflash T5 waterproof ones to try out next week.
Will be interesting to see how they work plugged in directly.


Andy Shipsides
January 14th, 2010, 05:24 PM
Thanks for this Andy - I'm about to do exactly this process next week so it's great to have a step-by-step.

It's worth mentioning, however, that if you don't have FCP installed on the Mac that you are running XDCAM Transfer on, then you will not have the right codecs and will need to buy the Calibrated {Q} XD Decode codecs from

Of course, once you have converted to iphone video, you can watch those files on any Mac or PC.

One other small point: If you're plugging a USB stick into your PDW-700 or F800 I STRONGLY recommend that you get one of these USB swivel adapters so it can lie flush with the handle.

USB 360 Degree Adapter, USB A Male to A Female | Extension | USB Cables | USB & FireWire | LINDY USA (

Thanks for the notes Dave. Good point about needing FCP installed.. I'll add that to my post. Many people are into those angled USB adapters, some also have a short male to female USB cable and put the USB stick where ever they want.


Alister Chapman
January 15th, 2010, 12:01 PM
I use the Sony Micro-Vault Tiny USB sticks. They protrude less than 1/2". The 2Gb ones are about $18 and 4Gb about $24.

Dave Chalmers
January 17th, 2010, 02:15 AM
It's worth mentioning, however, that if you don't have FCP installed on the Mac that you are running XDCAM Transfer on, then you will not have the right codecs and will need to buy the Calibrated {Q} XD Decode codecs

I've just re-read this and I realise I actually haven't confirmed whether you do need the XD decode codecs JUST for the proxy files.
I don't have a 'virgin' system here I can try it on, but I guess if they are MXFs then you still need something to decode the MXFs, as QT won't open them.

Anyone able to test whether XDCAM Transfer works for ONLY proxies with no FCP or no XD decode codecs installed?

Actually now that I think about it, there a preferences option in XDCAM transfer to say 'import clips even if I don't have a codec installed' or something similar.
This SHOULD let you import proxies and convert to MOVs, without FCP or XD decode, but of course you wouldn't actually see your clips in XDCAM Transfer, which might be a bit disconcerting.



Andy Shipsides
January 17th, 2010, 08:04 AM
I had the same thought Dave. I have a new Mac install next week so I'll install XDCAM Transfer before FCP and give it a test. My feeling is that XDCAM Transfer will be able to handle playback and conversion of the proxy material because it is in a standard mpeg 4 codec, as opposed to the XDCAM 422 codec of the HD material.


Dennis Dillon
January 19th, 2010, 10:34 AM
Great Post.
I just got back from Haiti/CBS 60 Minutes. I can not say enough about how USB Proxy video workflow saved the day. Proxy advantages have been around for 4+ years now, and finally people are seeing why this is the Holy Grail of XD workflow.
Im home to hug my family and planning to return to Haiti as soon as possible.

Doug Jensen
January 19th, 2010, 07:35 PM
I thought the piece on 60M sunday night was the best Haiti coverage I've seen.
Nice work, as always.
Stay safe when you head back.

Andy Shipsides
January 20th, 2010, 08:45 AM
I tested a clean install of XDCAM Transfer without Final Cut Pro installed previously. It will playback the proxy material and convert to quicktime without FCP installed. So good news for anyone without the cash for Final Cut. You'll still need it if you want to convert the full quality material of course.


Peter Beeh
January 24th, 2010, 01:26 AM
A vote for the brilliance of proxies from me too. Just returned from Timor, working in remote areas with minimal power. Having the ability to offload rushes to my producer in minutes at the end of the day so that they could attend to immediate translations was nothing short of wonderful.

Greg Boston
January 27th, 2010, 07:09 AM
I tested a clean install of XDCAM Transfer without Final Cut Pro installed previously. It will playback the proxy material and convert to quicktime without FCP installed. So good news for anyone without the cash for Final Cut. You'll still need it if you want to convert the full quality material of course.


Late to the party here, but that's true about not needing FCP suite for proxy conversion. Using the XDC AM transfer to re-wrap the MPEG4 proxy into a MOV container, you can send them to anyone, PC or MAC. I have done that on many occasions via email to PC based clients.


Ian Planchon
February 5th, 2010, 03:44 PM
I don't have a XDCAM yet, but am curious about the proxies. is that function limited to the 7 and 800? or can the 350 do it as well?

Andy Shipsides
February 5th, 2010, 09:09 PM
This is a function of the XDCAM disc based cameras. The PMW350 does not produce proxy files this way.

Ian Planchon
February 5th, 2010, 09:22 PM
sorry, meant the PDW-F350 XDCAM.

Andy Shipsides
February 6th, 2010, 09:15 AM
The pdw-350 writes proxy footage to the xdcam disc. It does not support a USB key however. So proxy material needs to be read off the disc.

Uli Mors
February 8th, 2010, 04:08 AM
If you want the proxies (from pdw350) on your usb stick , simply use a firewire cable to your PC, install PDZ1 Software (brings all the necessary drivers) and copy the SUB folder from the disk.
If you use the "read disk" function in PDZ1 Software (doesnt read the disk but the disks proxies...) you easily can sort clips, rename disks etc.