View Full Version : EVF Technical question

Yalon Benhabib
January 13th, 2010, 01:23 PM
Hi all,

Does anyone knows the pinout of the EVF connector on the XL-H1 body ?

thanks !

Gilles Debord
April 1st, 2010, 03:51 PM

The CRT or the LCD ?

Yalon Benhabib
April 19th, 2010, 10:39 AM
hi, sorry, what do you mean by CRT or LCD ?

Steve Phillipps
April 19th, 2010, 10:42 AM
Gilles must be thinking about a different camera - no LCD on the XL-H1.

Marty Hudzik
April 20th, 2010, 08:02 PM
Or Giles is talking about the fact that the H1 has an output for the LCD/Viewfinder and one for the CRT viewfinder add-on. I've always wanted the pinout information myself but apparently Canon keeps this well guarded.

Yalon Benhabib
April 21st, 2010, 12:50 PM
i started investigating the EVF to determine its pinout so here is my current status in the attached pictures.
I still have to find out about the Sharp ic which seemd like some kind of LVDS receiver ?
also maybe th LCD panel itself - 5J001638W ?
if any one has some info ... please add your comments.
if i find anything furher, i will post.

Wolfgang Neun
April 22nd, 2010, 01:59 AM
Hi Yalon,
I have attached a document which seems to be a parts list and diagram of the b&w viewfinder. Don't know where I found it but maybe it is of some help to your work.

Yalon Benhabib
April 22nd, 2010, 10:47 AM
hi Wolfgang,

thanks for the schematics - it is for a CRT type EVF, i do not know it but it seems an old type. do you know if it is compatible with the XLH1 ? does it have the same connector (it does have 20 pins on its connector but i dont know its shape and compatibility)?
to my understanding of the schematics of the circuit board ( page 13 ) and the technology of the XLH1's EVF , it will not suit the signals coming from the XLH1... so i dont think i can make something that may helo us understand the XLH1 output...

Michael Galvan
April 24th, 2010, 11:23 PM
Hi Yalon,

Is there any particular reason in looking into the viewfinder like this?

Are you trying to find a way to install a higher resolution screen or something along those lines?

I'd be VERY interested in that.

Yalon Benhabib
April 25th, 2010, 09:07 AM
exactly !

Michael Galvan
April 25th, 2010, 06:35 PM
I wish you well!

I will keep my eye on this thread!

I dearly love my XL H1S ... only thing killing me about it is the LCD/Viewfinder. Wish it was up to par with what's out there these days.

Only hope I have left is whatever LCD/Viewfinder they come out with on the XL successor will also be compatible with the H1(s).

Michael Galvan
April 26th, 2010, 07:08 AM
Now that I think about this, this should really help those with the original H1.

Focusing on the H1S is much easier than the original H1, due to the ability to set 2 levels of variable peaking in the viewfinder. I set mine to a really fine line that shows on the focused area. But a higher res viewfinder is always better!

I forgot that the original H1 only has a peaking option, and it was fairly thick.

Joe Batt
April 30th, 2010, 03:16 PM
I'm always amazed at the technical skills some of members of this site have. Does anything go unanswered? (rhetorical)

Kevin Martorana
April 30th, 2010, 07:38 PM
I'd be interested to.....with an original XL-H1...the viewfinder was certainly one of the WEAKEST links of the camera. think of being able to replace that LCD viewfinder with a new...sharper version....OH LA LA !!

Michael Galvan
December 4th, 2010, 01:47 PM
How is this coming along? Has there been any progress in finding a way to replace the LCD in the viewfinder?

Dale Guthormsen
December 10th, 2010, 05:45 PM
Good evening,

I love my xlh1a. the only weakness of the camera was the efv, such low resolution.

1. went to the fu 1000 and that helped alot, but is not a complete awnser!!

2. I mounted a Small hd dp1 viewfinder on the back metal battery mount and this has helped immensely!!!\\

3. The peaking is an asset, but it is not accurate enough in my book, seems best to go past and pull back on my system, and I still get the odd soft focus!!!

4. The maginifier only works when you have lots of time

I use all of these at the same time when things are critical. I use the rear mount for in the blind fiming wildlife, and I use a side mount when filming an event.

If Canon would make a view finder as good as the current sony view finders the camera would be unbeatable!!!!!

I do not really like the cmos camcorders, so a better viewfinder on the xlh1 would be GRAND!!!

Michael Galvan
December 10th, 2010, 06:54 PM
I agree... I love my Canon XLH1S. And ever since I added a Nanoflash to the camera, it has impressed me even more. Every client has been more than pleased with footage from this camera.

If ever a better color viewfinder came out for this camera, I'd buy it in a second.

Kevin Martorana
December 19th, 2010, 08:21 PM
Hear Hear !! I second that Michael !

Steve Siegel
December 21st, 2010, 11:39 AM
Hey Dale,

Could you provide some details about this hd dp1 viewfinder? (Where to buy, how to hook up etc.).
Sounds like just the ticket.

Merry Christmas,


Michael Galvan
December 29th, 2010, 01:38 PM
Well its not a viewfinder, but rather an 8" external monitor. Not exactly a replacement for the current XL viewfinder, but a very viable solution...

Carl Ny
January 18th, 2011, 07:25 AM
Any news, would love an upgrade solution :)

Yalon Benhabib
April 30th, 2011, 04:13 AM
my my, how time passes without notice...
frankly, i didnt pay too much efforts in the investigation of the evf, just took it apart, take some pics and notes then put it all back together.
the camera is more of an hobby to me both photographically and electronically as i am both photography hobbyist and electronics engineer as profession so i enjoy both worlds.
i do remember i could not identify the components inside to reverse engineer the way it works, but i will give it another try in the following days, maybe i will come up with something new.
is there any one else here that has relation/knowledge in electronics that can help ?
if i'll find datasheet of the LRS5754 by Sharp, it will be possible to match a better LCD for the camera. there is also another number on the current lcd module which is 5J001638W which may be a serial number rather than part number - i didnt want to disassemble the module further than what did already so this is the current info i know...

Michael Galvan
April 30th, 2011, 12:01 PM
I'm glad this still lives on!


Yalon Benhabib
April 30th, 2011, 12:15 PM
yes it is, although i still cant find any info about this LRS5754 chip which is the key for progress...