View Full Version : Couple of GL2 Related Questions. . .

Brian Wells
July 2nd, 2005, 04:26 AM
Hey guys!

I'm gonna be using a GL2 tomorrow and I haven't used it one for a long, long time and am a bit "rusty" as they say. I'm wondering if I can use my Century MKII Wide matte box and 15mm rods with the GL2 *without* a wide angle converter. Glancing over the pictures of the GL2, it appears the microphone would be in the way.. am I just seeing things here?

Also, the tutorial on "title mix" was very cool. Bet this is old news for all ya'll regulars around here, but it is a completely new idea for me. I'm inspired. I really love the 1.66:1 framing, ala Super16mm, and would like to get a hold of .jpg that is compatible with the GL2 with this aspect ratio embedded. Does anyone have one for sharing? Any other ideas?

Brian Wells

Robin Davies-Rollinson
July 2nd, 2005, 06:33 AM
Can't help you with the matte-box question, since I only use the Arri one, but regarding the title-mix question, have a look at:

for a tutorial on how to do it.
There used to be some links to 16:9 templates, but they seem to be broken by now - unless someone else can come back with one...

Good luck - I used to use the title-mix facility.
The only thing to remember is that you're still using the whole of the 4:3 frame, so if you were to apply certain effects, they would also affect the black borders as well.


Chris Hurd
July 2nd, 2005, 12:17 PM
Ack, those .jpg links are broken? Rats. Maybe one of you guys can create some new ones... meanwhile I'll have to dig around and see if I have local copies somewhere...