View Full Version : Final Cut - The Power of XML

Craig Parkes
January 13th, 2010, 12:45 AM
Here's a post about one of the most powerful tools in Final Cut - It's XML export option.

For those that haven't used XML export, it's the cornerstone behind a lot of incredibly useful third party tools, generally about getting meta data in and out of Final Cut, to then do cool and or time saving things with.

I would hope perhaps we can make a list of the various tools that make use of XML export so that A) more people can find out about them, and B) new ones are easier to find. Perhaps moderators can make this sticky once the list gets a little more comprehensive - I believe DVinfo has rules about linking to non sponsors websites, but these are tools that people need to know about and that often are purpose built so hopefully this is ok.

Firstly, I must attribute Phillip Hodgetts article on Ken Stone's fantastic site for providing an overview and some links already to some producers of some of these amazing tools which can be found here - What to do with Final Cut Pro XML (

Read that first as it's got links to a number of sites and does a good job of explaining what you can do with XML

To keep things clean - I will try an break things into different subjects using common sense terms - also I think every tool should be attributed by someone who has used it, I won't post direct links too tools unless I or another commenter has first hand experience with them.

Paperwork - Final Cut XML tools that make it easier for you to do paperwork
e.g Music Cue Sheets, Sequence Shot Lists etc.

Sequence Clip Reporter: Sequence Clip Reporter (
This incredibly useful takes an XML of a Sequence, and spits out an excel spreadsheet listing where every clip on that sequence is, it's duration, what clip/file it came from etc.

This is the one tool I desperately needed recently because we are delivering a show that requires not only music cue sheets, but also shot lists of every show to go to the distributor with duration and copyright notices. (User Attribution - Craig Parkes)

This tool is provided by, who have a number of other XML tools for all sorts of workflows.

Conform - Tools to help you conform sound or vision when offline/online editing with various formats

Clipfinder - Hans-Georg Daun Software (

The best FREE tool for conforming RED ONE edits in the world. Allows you to swap out an edit made with either proxies or rendered rushes and link back to the original Quicktimes. Can also batch render files just from your XML if you are wanting to master to another format back from your original R3D's.

Invaluable tool if you are editing RED ONE footage, and unbelievably completely free. (User Attribution - Craig Parkes)

So there are a two amazing tools to kick us off, comments and additions are requested!

Simon Wyndham
January 22nd, 2010, 07:26 AM
Many thanks for this Craig. The Sequence Clip Reporter looks to be really useful.