View Full Version : 2nd Annual DVC/UWOL Charity Challenge Finalists!

Lorinda Norton
January 12th, 2010, 10:59 AM
If you uploaded a film, you are a finalist! We’re posting the films four at a time through Thursday for everyone to enjoy.

The filmmakers will appreciate any feedback viewers have to offer, so don’t be shy. It’s lots more fun that way, plus we all learn something.

Okay, here we go!

DAY 1:

Dick Mays
The Red Side
YouTube - The Red Side (

Clint Harmon
it’s the little things
its the little things on Vimeo

Graeme Hay
Gifts of Seeds and Carrots
Youtube (Judging-Resolution) - YouTube - Gifts of Seeds and Carrots (
Vimeo (Hi-Res + Production Photos) - Gifts of Seeds and Carrots on Vimeo

Chris Barcellos
Aunt Matilda’s Present
You Tube: YouTube - Aunt Matilda's Present (
Vimeo: Aunt Matilda's Present on Vimeo

Lorinda Norton
January 13th, 2010, 03:21 AM
DAY 2:

Trond Saetre
Nature’s Gift
YouTube - Nature's gift (

Andris Krastins
True Gifts
YouTube - True Gifts (short film) (
True Gifts (short film) on Vimeo

Dale Guthormsen
Eternal Gifts
Eternal Gifts DV/UWOL Charity Challenge on Vimeo

Bill Thesken
The Miracle
The Miracle By Bill Thesken On ExposureRoom (

Lorinda Norton
January 14th, 2010, 04:24 AM
DAY 3:

Ben Robbins
Merry Christmas, Craig!
Merry Christmas, Craig! on Vimeo

Ken Diewert
Li Wu (The Gift)
Li Wu (The Gift) on Vimeo

Lorinda Norton
Companions (not eligible for competition)
Companions on Vimeo

That’s all the films! After everyone has had time to watch them and make comments if they wish we will vote for a winner. Remember, if you submitted a film or made a donation you are a judge! More on the judging process tomorrow; for now, enjoy the rest of the entries.