View Full Version : Thoughts on 2/3" lens I am looking at

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David Issko
March 25th, 2010, 09:50 PM
Hi Paul,

I have heard many good comments (including yours) on the ZA lenses. Good to know that you will be keeping it and not having to go through the lens testing formalities. Once would be somewhat fun and a great learning experience. Twice would perhaps be a little boring.

I did see the 350k at my dealer a short while back. Had a bit of a 'play' with it. K lens seemed to be quite good but I was in their showroom for another reason and spent the few mins with the camera while I was waiting for the sales pro to attend to me. In fact at that time, I was not terribly interested in it.

Paul, it was your's and Alister's positive comments on this forum that sparked my interest in the PMW-350 shortly thereafter. Your's towards the 350L + ZA, so thanks very much for that. And for all your answers as well.

I have not had an opportunity to spend 'quality time' with it but I hope to within the next couple of weeks, although I have had quite a few shoulder mounted 2/3 inch Sonys in my previous life shooting in SD, so I am accustomed to the camera's style.


Paul Cronin
March 26th, 2010, 05:54 AM
Hi David,

One lens test is enough for now. I will be looking at a wide lens in the summer but at least now I know it will be Fujinon or a prime.

If you test out the 350 check out the 700/800 at the same time. Always better to have options. I don't think you can go wrong with any of them. And I am always happy to help if I can.