Bob Kerner
January 8th, 2010, 05:55 PM
What is the suggested method for cleaning the LCD screen?
I searched the owner's manual and don't see anything. I have a couple of fingerprints and was thinking of using the Monster cleaner (applied to a cloth of course not directly on the screen) that apple recommends for the iphone and their screens.
Thanks in advance,
Charles Newcomb
January 8th, 2010, 06:52 PM
When I ordered my last round of Hoodman SDHC cards they sent some samples of their Hoodwipes cleaning kit. I haven't had the nerve to try them yet.
Michael Sims
January 8th, 2010, 07:02 PM
I once took my DSLR in for service. The tech cleaned the lcd screen with scotch tape. He took a strip about 4-5 inches long and carefully pressed it on to the screen, starting at the top. When he peeled the tape off, it cleaned the screen, taking finger prints right off. He repeated the process, working his way down, until he had cleaned the entire screen. Couldn't have been easier. I use this process on my EX-1 whenever needed.
Giroud Francois
January 8th, 2010, 07:43 PM
plain soap (a drop) +wet (few drops) paper
gentle remove all dirt, then remove excess of soap with a clean wet paper.
Bob Kerner
January 10th, 2010, 10:40 AM
Paper seems a bit harsh, no? I'd never use paper on a computer screen.
I was thinking microfibre cloth and some LCD (computer) screen cleaner.
Marty Welk
January 10th, 2010, 10:27 PM
the wrong microfiber cloth will scratch plastic. the "polishing" microfiber cloths dont seem to. Microfiber cloths will clean those really hard to clean light refration coating stuff as the only thing that will keep them from streaking, but the wrong microfiber is more for cleaning a bathroom :-) we have been using the yellow polishing MF cloth without any problems.
dont try the scotch tape trick on Touch Screens :-) you can lift the top grid off around the corners.
William Urschel
January 11th, 2010, 06:33 AM
For the last 60 years plus, for all my lenses on EVERYTHING, and now the EX-1 lens and any LCD screens I have 1) breathed from a near distance upon the lens or screen (careful not to spit!!!! - good grief), and then 2) very quickly, before the resulting very light moisture evaporates, clean with Kodak Lens Cleaning Tissue, wadded lightly up, applied in a swirling motion, VERY light pressure. Sometimes it's been necessary to repeat this procedure two or three times. Have NEVER seen any deleterious results of any kind as a result, even after years of cleaning any lens or screen - lens coatings remain intact, and NEVER a scratch on anything - plus, it does the job, removing fingerprints on screens, etc..
I must admit to ignorance about other possibly better techniques, since I've been unwilling to try other methods, since I found at least one that works so well, so many years ago. Just once, years ago, I cleaned the wife's el cheapo still camera lens with another manufacturer's (other than Kodak) lens cleaning tissue, and it appeared to produce a streak on the camera's lens color coating, so that was the first and last time for that - of course the problem there may have been the el cheapo's lens coating!