View Full Version : Working on EX series focus assist system

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Larry Kelly
March 24th, 2010, 08:04 PM
First I want to thank Barry for giving me a heads up by letting me know there have been fresh posts about my focus assist system. I also want to apologize for taking so long between announcing it's existence and the eventual release of the product.
Now a report on what I have been doing. I have not been able to complete the final design of the system as I thought in the time frame that I expected for a number of reasons. The availability of the machine shop and it's technicians and the fact that I suddenly got extremely busy with work to the point that I have not had a day off in weeks. The biggest issue I have with the unit it's self is the locking method for the focus clips. The way it's currently designed is with small thumb screws. Once it is slid to the right location you must turn the screw to tighten the clip onto the plate. I want to be able to simply pull back with my index finger to release a spring loaded friction pad to release it to move it around the lense then just let of pressure to lock it in place. Once I figure that out and get them made it is ready to go.
I have also been working on the button kit. I am having dies cut to punch out the button covers which make the camera much easier to use.

The third product that I have ready to go is Stabilant 22. I have 22 sample packs to give away as a promo. I will have details as soon as the focus kit and the button kit are ready to ship.
I have attached some pictures of the prototypes so you can see that they do actually exist.
Thanks again for your patience everyone.


Larry Kelly
March 24th, 2010, 08:12 PM
Here are more pics

The buttons have a rough texture so your can feel them easily and your finger will not slip off.

The focus assist can be used in both full manual and semi auto mode. The stops are magnetic so you can feel the sweet spot as you pass over it and either stop or continue through if you have a complex focussing situation. The top and bottom one are hard stops though. The clips can be easily removed if you just want a couple of them in use. There is a fine adjustment by turning the pin on the focus ring left or right.

William Urschel
April 5th, 2010, 07:27 AM

As is the case with many others, I have been waiting patiently for further news about your
fabulous device. And it is now almost two weeks since we have heard from you. Is anything further happening? Many others and I would really like to know your projected target date for distribution, if you have one. An update would be greatly apprecieated.

Bill Urschel

Marty Welk
April 9th, 2010, 02:20 AM
Here are more pics

The stops are magnetic so you can feel the sweet spot as you pass over it and either stop or continue through if you have a complex focussing situation. The top and bottom one are hard stops though. .

Some serious thought going into this stuff, almost as if the inventor actually USES a camera, weird :-) really cool ideas.

Pierre Beranek
April 9th, 2010, 01:38 PM
Hi Larry,

I'm also very interested in your new focusing device!

I've produced video product reviews in the past and would be glad to produce a video review for your products too.
Here's an example of a review I did some time ago for an MP3 player (which resulted in hundreds of additional sales for Cowon): YouTube - Complete Cowon D2 Review (

If you're interested, please send me an email so we can discuss it further (

All the best!

Dean Harrington
April 14th, 2010, 08:36 PM
I certainly would be interested ... I await further developments. Good luck ...
all the best