View Full Version : DVD Studio Pro 2 Quits!

Jonathan Lutz
July 1st, 2005, 12:40 PM
DVDSP2 has been acting very buggy for me of late. It quits unexpectedly and doesn't display any error message. It simply suddenly disappears.
If I've saved the project I'm working on and try to re-open it, I get "Error loading Project" and "Invalid project file format."
Also, in the same folder where I saved the project is a new folder with an identical name to the project, but with a ~ (tilda) after it. In that folder are "Module data B" and "Object data B" which are documents.
Problem is, there's no predicting when this will happen. I used to think it only happened when I brought .psd files into it, but sometimes that actually works, only to flake out as long as 10 minutes later when I'm working on a button or something else entirely...
Very frustrating!
Do I need to trash preferences or something?

Jonathan Lutz
July 1st, 2005, 04:09 PM
Good news!

Went ahead and imported everything file by file instead of all at once. Everything came in except for this one .psd file. So I opened it up in Photoshop and discovered that it had an alpha channel on it. (One I didn't need, an artificat from an earlier version of the file.) Deleted the alpha channel, saved it, imported it into DVD SP and, viola!, no more quitting!

I guess no alpha channels in DVD SP is the rule. You can't use them in there anyway, so no need for them.